2- P R E F R E N C E

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S- stranger things (ik it's not an 80s film but it is based in the 80s and I am so fucking exited for S3 you have no idea)
P- jealousy


• a grumpy boy when he's jealous

•will roll he's eyes at everything they say

•nasty remarks at them


•"y/n can we go?"
"Why mike?"
"Cos I don't like how that jerk is looking at you "

7/ 10

•is very insecure

•feels like you will leave him for someone more stable

•you always tell him you love him to much to care about that

•vry quite

•bites his lip and fiddles with his fingers

•after a while he just pulls you away from them

•"will ? What are you doing? I was talking to him"
"Well I didn't like how you were talking to him!"
"Will wtf?"


•he doesn't get jealous easily but it can still happens

•try's to make them seem dumb

•states random facts about math and all that to try and scare them

•of course it doesn't work

•poor dusty

•" yeh it was really fun, I should take you there sometime"
"You won't be taking her anywhere you peace of shit!"


•glares  at the person

•saying bad things about them

•"ya know y/n , I saw him tackle a kid once"
"Lucas he's a football player, that's how you play dumbass"

• eventually he just pulls you away

•takes you  home to show you who you belong to ;)

•by giving you kisses and loving you

Hi, who wants to be friends ? I'm lonely Rn

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