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"I think that's all don't you think so ladies and gentlemen?  next thing you now we'll be receiving tourists from around the world" Isabella said as she closed her little journal.

"I think that your royal wedding and birth of your children has brought a lot of attention to Britain, or I could say you have brought a lot of foreign attention" Sandy said as she looked at the duchess  as the meeting was done and they where having a private chat.

"really? "

"Yep and I love your hair style why don't you do it in public?"

"it's more of a private thing" she said winking.

"Bella, the photographer is ready" her private secretary Spencer said.

"oh I didn't know we where going to take any photos"

"We are to show the people that we are working hard, their more laid back pictures which where taken as you guys where working but we need a final picture"

"I hope I look fine with this weird hairstyle of mine" she said patting her hair which where in a lot of braids.

"You look fine Isabella" Spencer her secretary said.

"Okay" she said standing in line and smiling.

"Thank you" Isabella said shaking hands with all the people in the room then exited where she found paparazzi waiting.

Daily Mail UK.

The Duchess of Windsor laid back look makes us jealous.

The duchess of Windsor had a secret meeting with The British Council and it had us fanning ourselves as the duchess had rocked a her favorite designer Roland Mourets dress and let's not forget that paid back hairstyle. She definitely stole her sisters thunder as  after her engagement the KP social media accounts announced that she will be the patron of a number of charities including the royal variety, the queens commonwealth trust, the queens trusts, and friends of the elderly these charities where once patroned by the queen but now the duchess of Windsor will patron them along with her joining Harry for her very first invictus tour which is going to one of her home countries, remember the duchess is half German and half Australian but it has also been revealed that she's only going for invictus not joining Harry and his fiancée on the actual tour she will be relaxing with her relatives which live in Australia.

"I can't wait for tomorrows royal wedding, I love those" Isabella said.

"The only thing you love is the fact that you're getting the best seat in the whole chapel" Kitty said.

"it's not really the best seat it's just that no one's sitting in front of me" she said.

"What do you mean? " Kitty said.

"This one over here somehow got granny to not come and she's taking grannies spot which means Markle will have to curtsy to her" Beatrice explained as Kitty gave Isabella a mean glare.

"Don't look at me like that I'm only moving to grannies seat when it's time to leave rather than that I'll be sitting next to Kate... look I have to go pick up my family" she said as she quickly changed into more laid back clothing.

 look I have to go pick up my family" she said as she quickly changed into more laid back clothing

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"Mommy! ! ! " she said running to her mother.

"Isa we're out in public have a little respect we're in public...but come here" her mom said hugging her and quickly ushering her to the car as she saw people snapping pictures and she was used to it already as her daughter was married to the future queen and of course paparazzi where always on her case as her daughter was one day going to be queen.

"How are you doing? " her sister Candice asked her as she carried her daughter Maria.

"Good and you? "

"Better now that Maria is 7 months old and Theodora had a little play date and Micheal is busy with work he just got promoted recently and daddy is helping with the invictus games so he's busy and mommy well she's just being her usual self gushing about her favorite daughter" Candice said jokingly to Isabella.

"I'm everyone's favorite... come on now we have already prepared a room for your stay or would you rather like an apartment? " she asked as they entered the castle.

"Room" they all said to Isabella who nodded and led them to their rooms where they found their bags in their rooms.

"Oh and Theo's outfit looks better now thanks" Candice said to Isabella who threw her a grin and exited the room to go to her parents room.

"Now now Isabella why did it say that you'd be representing the queen isn't she going to the wedding? " Her mother asked her.

" Nope look uh I have to go but dinner will be ready in an hour and I hope you enjoy your stay" she said leaving her parents and going to her husband's office where she found here having a heated conversation with Parker his secretary.

"I'm just saying talk to Isabella she's the one doing all of this not me nor the queen, and while I'm on it Edward called me said that Harry was freaking nervous Meghan was crying saying how her wedding doesn't feel like her own as people aren't talking about their wedding but more about Isabella and wondering on what she's going to wear" Parker said.

"She's such a cry granny... get it cry baby cry granny okay anyways I apologize to Meghan but Lou you know how long I've been waiting for this granny had handed me one of her charities I'm patron of the queen's commonwealth trust and royal variety I've attended everyone of their performances ever since I don't even remember for how long I'd fly all the way from Australia to come to Europe for Royal Variety it's such a honor being their patron"
she said while tears started swelling up in her eyes.

"Woah save that for your speech" Parker said to her as he saw the tears "Well goodbye and good luck with tomorrow Isabella don't steal the spotlight"

Parker said leaving a crying Isabella.

"How about we make that baby now" she said grinning and pecking Louis' lips.

"Izzy I know that you told Meghan that I'm not walking her down the aisle -

"Once in a lifetime opportunity to make a new baby are you in or not?" she asked him knowing fully well that he couldn't deny his precious wife.

Isabella: God's promiseWhere stories live. Discover now