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Isabella had always ridden in a carriage alone but after Mary saw a video of the carriage ride she too wanted to join which caused the boys to want to join too and that's how Isabella found her self waving to the crowds in her carriage along with her little rascals.

"Mary look" Isabella said showing Mary a sign with her name which read 'Little Queen Mary' which caused Mary to beam at the sign and wave harder to the crowds as she gave them a smile while the twins were sitting down enjoying their first carriage ride.

"Mommy look at Buchinham (Buckingham) Palace " Jamie said which caused his mother to laugh and later on the lip readers would tell the world what she was laughing at.

"Yes honey now remember you wait for me and then we're going to the balcony okay" she said as the kids nodded and they where helped out of the carriage into the room which would take them to the balcony.

"Oh Mary you're always stealing my spotlight" Harry said coming behind his niece and tickling her Mary giggled to her uncle's words " Uncle Harry you play too much the spotlight was never yours" with that said she took off into a sprint running away from Harry who first greeted he's sister in law, Christian and Jamie.

"Hey Meghan" Isabella said as she looked at her new sister in law " Jamie, Chris greet Meghan"
which earned her a little wave from the boys who ran away to play with Charlotte.

"Sorry about them their super how was your first carriage ride?"

"Second and it was amazing...other than the fact that your kids stole my spotlight" although she mumbled the last part Isabella still heard her and she rolled her eyes then continued with the conversation as though she hadn't heard that.

"Well we have to get ready for the balcony appearance" Isabella said as she went to fetch her children.

When the queen passed by they all did a curtsy and Mary joined the ladies as they did a curtsy and she smiled shyly at her mother who had saw that and the daily Mail would surely write about the future queen's cute curtsy.

When the where watching the flypast Isabella carried Jamie while Louis carried Chris and Mary was standing in between the queen and Prince Phillip.

The duchess of Windsors children stole the show.

From Mary's cute curtsy to little prince Jamie or is Chris' cute wave we just can't get over the fact that this family is too cute to be true.

Mary stood next to the queen for the flypast and you could see the small princess mimicking her great granny as she too waved at the crowds and gave them her cute kisses.

Now we all expected the newly wedded to steal the spotlight but no one could get over Mary's cuteness one even writing 'Mary is definitely the cutest there is out there' We can't really say that the statement isn't true as Mary is definitely cute from her very tan skin to those big eyes of hers which we can't seem to resist Sorry Meghan but Mary definitely stole your shine.

Now we all expected the newly wedded to steal the spotlight but no one could get over Mary's cuteness one even writing 'Mary is definitely the cutest there is out there' We can't really say that the statement isn't true as Mary is definitely cute ...

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