Chapter 17

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That morning as they gathered around the table, Biana was beaming, confusing the boys immensely.

"Why is she so happy?" Dex whispered.

"He might be an elf!" she squealed, confusing them even further.

"Good for you, I guess?" Tam said.

"Do you even know this guy's name?"

"Exactly!" Fitz exclaimed as he shoved a spoonful of cereal into his mouth. "Thank you, Dex!"

"Of course I know his name! It was..."

Fitz shot her a look and Biana stopped trying to guess. Linh giggled, and Sophie eyed two elves across the table.

"Okay, I don't know if anyone else has noticed this but Nala and Keefe, probably the two most talkative people here apart from Biana, are quiet."

Nala grunted as the rest of the table turned to stare at her and Keefe.

"Finally, you guys acknowledge me," Keefe said in an attempt to lighten the mood.

"Usually that's kind of hard for us not to do. I'm suspicious," Linh said.

"Did...something happen between you two?" Fitz asked.

"I already know what you're thinking Fitz Vacker and no, I absolutely did not kiss Superman over here or do anything of the sort."

"Why do you sound so disgusted? I'm sure plenty others would be honoured, right Foster?" Keefe winked and Sophie's face grew hot.

"Well satisfy those people, okay? I need to go." Nala stood up without touching her plate and left the house.

"Was it something I said?" Keefe asked after a moment of silence.

Dex pushed his eggs around his plate. "Should we be letting her go out alone?"

Fitz shrugged. "She can handle herself."

Linh shook her head, standing up. "I'll go after her, something's obviously wrong."

"I want to know what's wrong too, we should both go," Tam argued.

"We don't want to overwhelm her!"

"But—" Tam stepped closer to his sister, lowering his voice so only she could hear him. "You're always the one to comfort her. It makes me I'm a bad friend. Just let me go, this once. Please?"

Linh glared at him. "Fine. But I want to know everything, okay?"

Tam nodded as Linh sat back down and he left the house. Dex stabbed his fork into a mushroom, chewing slowly.

"I miss Elvin food," he mumbled.

"Me too. Not that chicken nuggets don't taste great here." Keefe mimed licking his fingers.

Biana gasped. "Did you...?"

"Not right now, Biana. We haven't finished with this boy yet," Fitz reminded her.

Keefe grinned. "Andddd the overprotective brother is back."


Tam followed Nala for a while, and he knew Nala was aware of his presence but yet she still let him follow along. She stopped at a cliffside and sat down, her chin resting on her knees. Tam sat next to her.

"What's wrong?" he asked quietly.

"Apart from everything, nothing really."

He let out a soft chuckle and he saw a small smile appear on Nala's face. "But seriously, what happened back there? Did it have something to do with yesterday?"

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