Chapter 25

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"So, who's gonna tell her that we're totally not going to follow that order," Keefe said. "I'll volunteer if no one wants to."

Linh dismissed him with a wave. "I'll tell her later. She has to know that we all want to help in any way we can."

"But...I understand what she's saying. If we go there and we have no abilities, we're nothing but a liability to her. She'll be focused on protecting us rather than her actual goal."

"Ugh," Biana said. "Dex is right. I think we'd just inconvenience her."

Keefe shook his head. "So what are you saying? We just leave Nala alone?"

"No. It's simple. Linh and I will go to Ravagog with her after we escape, and you guys go home."

There was a bit more protesting after what Tam had said.

"Guys!" Sophie yelled. "We have one thing we need to think about first."

Fitz nodded. "You're right. We're all talking about helping Nala after we've escaped, but we haven't talked about how we're going to escape."


Keefe rolled his eyes. "That doesn't matter. We've evaded the Neverseen before."

"That doesn't mean it's going to be easy," Sophie argued.

"Sophie's right," Dex said. "What if they keep us extra guarded this time? We need to rely on some kind of plan."

Keefe sighed. "Okay. So let's think of a plan. We're usually good at this, so let's put our heads together and think of something. Quick."

"You can't rush genius, Keefe," Fitz said.

Linh stood up. "Nala must have some idea of what to do. I'll ask her for help."

Linh found Nala staring at the ceiling of her bedroom, so deep in thought that she didn't even notice Linh come in.


The girl looked up for a second and when she saw that it was Linh, she laid back down.

" do you expect us to escape the Neverseen when they capture us? What if we're all separated, or sedated, or—"

"Listen, Linh," Nala said. "Fintan promised to meet me in Ravagog soon after I get there, which means he's going to leave someone else in charge. He hasn't exactly told me what he plans to do with you guys, but I don't think he wants to harm you guys. At least not just yet."

"That doesn't answer how we're going to escape."

"Most of the attention will be on Sophie, which means you guys will have to focus on getting her out of there. I...think I know what I need to do. But since I'm banned from the TWHQ, it might be a bit hard."

Linh sat down next to her. "What is it? I can help you."

"You might not be able to...but Anita can."


Nala called Anita immediately and as soon as she arrived she told her their whole plan of how they were going to get back to elvin realm.

"It's crazy...," Anita said. "But so crazy that it just might work."

Nala smiled. "That's what I was hoping you'd say. Anyway, what we don't know is how Sophie and the others are going to escape the Neverseen. I don't even know where they're going to be kept and if I ask then Fintan will definitely know something is going on."

"So, what do you suggest we do?" Tam asked.

"This is where I need you, Nita." Nala turned to Biana. "I need you to trigger Biana's ability."

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