Chapter 21

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Tam, Linh, and Keefe had reluctantly retreated to the house yesterday night. Three and a half hours after that, around four in the morning, Nala snuck back into the house, then fell asleep on the couch.

When everybody came downstairs for breakfast and saw her, it was the exact reaction she was expecting.

"Nala!" Linh's face was full of so much joy, but then she seemed to remember yesterday. "Are you crazy?"

"Where did you go this time?" Sophie practically screamed.

Keefe leaned against the countertop. "That must've been a long meeting, Analaitor."

"Yeah, a nonexistent one. Anita told us there was no planned meeting she knew about, so there's that. You also signed out Sophie's folder."

"Wow, I didn't know non-Time Watchers could be so invested in what I do. I needed to see Sophie's file for a bit. She is my task after all."

Dex eyed her. "Where's the file?"

"Somewhere only I can access it," Nala said, rehearsing the lie. "Was the HQ worried?"

Tam shrugged. "They didn't notice you didn't sign the file back in until late. When we told Anita your meeting excuse, she got angry, as she should."

Fitz shook his head, sitting on the dining table. "What I want to know is what you were doing for so long."

Nala knew her friends were smart. She knew they'd have questions, and she came prepared with answers. "I was doing some research."

Sophie gave a bitter laugh. "On what?"

"Things I can't tell you, things you wouldn't understand, because none of you are part of the HQ."

She said it with such force that it almost scared herself, but she hoped they believed it.

Biana sighed. "At least you're safe."

She made her way to the kitchen, Dex and Keefe following her. Tam stared at Nala for a bit longer, then grabbed Linh and went to the kitchen with the others. Only Fitz and Sophie remained, and Nala started to wonder if they intended to leave or not.

"I'm assuming you guys are talking about me," Nala said.

Fitz glanced at Sophie questioningly, and Sophie shook her head slightly. After that exchange, they both walked off in the direction of the kitchen.

When they had left, Nala sighed deeply and massaged her temples. She wouldn't be able to stand the silence treatment. Not from these guys. She had to get away from it all.

Over in the kitchen, the elves were talking in hushed whispers.

"Do you think she did something with your folder? Something bad?" Biana suggested.

"I don't think Nala would do something like that," Linh said.

Tam leaned back in his seat, frowning. "Well, I also didn't believe that Nala would lie to me, take off, and then not tell any of us what she was doing, but look how that turned out."

"So Analaitor's got some secrets, that's understandable for someone like her."

"I get that Keefe, but this one involves Sophie, so it's important."

Sophie tried to ignore the fact that Fitz had technically called her important, but a small smile somehow still made it to her face.

"Dex, you've been quiet. What are you thinking?" Biana said.

The periwinkle-eyed elf stroked his chin. "What if...Nala isn't Nala?"

Fitz ran a hand through his hair, Linh shook her head, Biana considered the thought and Keefe shrugged and looked at Sophie as if to ask what she thought.

"I don't know guys...let's just leave her for now."

"Okay Foster, but just know this is the last time I'm following you anywhere."

"Sure, Keefe."

"You're right, I could never stay away from Miss Mysterious F, could I?"

Sophie stuck her head in the fridge so nobody could see her red cheeks, and she heard the others begin to move.

"We should probably make breakfast. We'll talk about the situation later," Biana said stiffly.

Linh chewed on her lip. "I don't like us speculating about her like we can't trust her, she's helped us this far, why would she do this now?"

"I don't know. As I said, Analaitor has things going on right now that might not concern us."

"Like what?" Tam asked.

Keefe shrugged in response and followed Dex to search the cupboards for cereal.

The doors slid open to reveal Nala. "Have you guys finished talking about—oh, you're actually getting breakfast. Okay."

Everything went quiet as she walked in, and all that was heard was the sound of utensils and the microwave being used.

Sophie noticed Nala preparing a bagel, and decided to talk to her.

"So...where is my folder?"

"In the void, somewhere."

Sophie was confused about her answer at first, but she vaguely remembered something about the void that Edaline had told her. Thinking about her mother pained Sophie, and she was reminded of how much she missed her parents. She hoped they weren't worrying too much. She'd be back soon, she'd make sure of it.

"It's a conjurer thing," Nala explained.

"Is there a way you can get it out?"

"Of course, but I'm not getting it right now if that's what you want. You're not supposed to be able to see your folder. I even showed you guys too much by bringing you to the HQ, but I couldn't leave you guys in a new world alone."

"We could've handled ourselves," Tam mumbled, catching Nala's last sentence.

"I have no doubt about that, but I feel like I'm responsible for you guys. If anything were to happen to you guys here, it'd be on me, even if you guys chose to follow Sophie to get here."

Sophie felt bad about the mess she'd made, but she had just been looking out for Nala. She hadn't expected all of her friends to tag along. She didn't think it would be a problem anyway.

The bell rang, sounding throughout the house, and everyone turned to look at Nala.

"Were we expecting someone?" Biana asked.

"Not that I know of." Nala set her bagel down. "I'll get it."

She walked over and opened the door to see Anita standing there. Nala couldn't really read the mixture of emotions on her face, but she knew it wasn't good. She wanted to see her sister's smile, Anita's beautiful smile. She didn't want to see her look at Nala the way she did. It made her want to fall into the void and never return.

"Nala," she said, her voice barely a whisper. Anita took a deep breath, a thing she did often to steady herself. "I'm sorry, I tried to tell them to reconsider but the TWHQ is freezing you and your items until further notice."

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