Chapter 27

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The front door burst open, and Nala looked up to see Anita and another boy standing in the doorway.


The boy was Darian. What was Anita doing with him? Here? And was Biana with them?

"Where's Biana?" Fitz said immediately, coming down from the stairs.

"Right here."

The voice was Biana's, but they couldn't see her. The triggering must've gone well.

"It worked?" Nala breathed.

Biana appeared before them, and Keefe nearly jumped in fright when he realized she was beside him.

"Yeah it worked, thanks to Darian," she said.

The boy shrugged, running his hand through his hair. "It was nothing much. Nice to see you again, Nala."

Nala eyed her sister before saying, "Good to see you too."

"Okay, so Biana's a vanisher. We knew this," Dex said. "How does this help?"

"Dex, I feel so different. I can't describe it," Biana said, shivering. "It's crazy. Is this how you feel every time you get an ability triggered, Sophie?"

Sophie titled her head slightly. "Not really. I usually feel tired and pass out for a few days."

Nala was still eyeing Darian. Why was her sister's ex-boyfriend here? Had, they wouldn't have.

"I'll tell you how it helps," she said. "What we triggered for Biana was almost like an enhancement to her vanishing ability. What would've taken years for Biana to learn she knows right now."

"Like...try going through that chair, Biana," Darian said, gesturing to the couch. "Just try."

Biana bit her lip, and Nala could tell that she was doubting her ability. Nevertheless, she took a deep breath in, and with one step, flicked out of sight. She reappeared in the middle of the chair, only to disappear again and be on the other end. Her friends were shocked.

Nala smiled. "Great, so you already have the hang of it."

"I can't believe you just did that," Keefe said, struggling to keep the awe out of his voice. "Now I see how this could help us escape. Biana's basically unstoppable!"

Biana's cheeks reddened, and Nala guessed that even though Darian was a good distraction, the girl hadn't fully gotten over her crush on Keefe.

"We'll be going upstairs now," Anita said, dragging Darian up the stairs with her. "Fill me in later."

Nala couldn't shake the feeling that she'd seen Darian recently, but she just couldn't remember where.

"You know, if it weren't for that angry look on Anita's face, I would think that meant something very different," Keefe said. Sophie rolled her eyes at him.

"So...are there limitations on Biana's ability?" Tam asked. "Can she go through anything without possibly getting stuck? And what happens if she does?"

"Tam!" Linh hissed. "You're freaking her out."

"Yeah, but he asks good questions," Biana said.

"What does happen if Biana gets stuck while passing through things? Will she die?" Fitz asked.

"From what I know, if she were to get stuck in between an object and not make herself appear again, she'll be fine. If she gets stuck and then she makes herself visible, then we might have a problem. But let's not think about that," Nala said.

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