Chapter 26

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Sophie could tell that Fitz was really nervous about what was happening to Biana. He had been pacing the hallways for almost five minutes straight now. Before that, he had stopped to sit on the couch and fiddle around with the buttons on his shirt.

"Ah, I hate when Fitzy gets like this."

Sophie turned around to see Keefe behind her, wearing his signature smirk.

"Me too," she sighed. "I wish I could do something about it."

"You could talk to him. The only person he wants to hear from right now is Biana or you."

Sophie glanced at the teal-eyed boy in the hallway. "You think so?"

"I know Fitz almost better than he knows himself. He wants someone to talk to, and that person is you. Go."

Sophie sent Keefe one of the cutest smiles he'd ever seen. "Thanks, Keefe."

She went off to talk to Fitz, and Keefe let out a sigh, which soon turned into a groan when he realized Nala had sat beside him.

"What are you doing?" she asked.

"Sitting down." He turned to look at her. "And minding my own business."

"Huh," Nala smirked. "I never really liked doing that. I meant, why did send Sophie off to Fitz? I thought you were like, in love with her."

"Woah there, it's definitely not love. I just like her. And I care about her a lot."

"Uhhh, I could say the same thing about everyone in this house."

"Aw, you care for me, Analiator?"

Nala rolled her eyes. "I thought it was obvious, considering how hard I'm trying to get you back home."

"Or are you just trying to get rid of us?"

"You're right, Superman. That's my master plan."

They both gave a soft laugh, then lapsed into silence.

"Do you know that Dex likes Sophie too?"

Keefe looked at the girl beside him. "Yeah, that one was kinda obvious."

"He's gonna move on, you know. Just like you will. Just like Fitz will. So you'll be just fine, whether Sophie loves you or not."

"Haven't you looked into my file? Tell me what happens."

"What do you want to happen?"

Keefe eyed her. "Don't pull that on me."

"I'm just saying, you're kinda in charge of your own destiny, Keefe. Sure, some things might be set in stone but the rest? You can change that at any moment. It's just if you want to, that's all."

"Ugh, you couldn't just tell me, could you?"

"No, this is more fun. Also, what makes you think I've looked in your file before? You bore me, Keefe Sencen."

Keefe places a hand on his heart and feigned hurt. "That...might be the most terrible thing anyone's ever said to me."

Nala tone softened, and Keefe realized she wasn't joking anymore. "I care for you, Keefe. A lot of people do, even if you don't realize it. And that will never change."

"Okay, take it easy on the mushy stuff Analiator, you're scaring me. Am I going to die? Is that why you're being nice?"

"You're an idiot, you know?"


Biana woke up feeling quite drowsy. She wasn't really sure when she had gone to sleep, maybe it was after Darian had injected the first serum into her system. She didn't know what happened after that.

Anita and Darian were still in the room, watching her intently.

"How are you feeling, Biana?" Darian asked.

"Tired. Dizzy. I don't know."

"We don't have much time," Anita said. "We need to check if you succeeded in triggering her ability, then we have to get out of here."

"Where are you gonna go? I could be of more use."

Biana wanted to beg Anita to let Darian stay with them, but right then she was really focused on not throwing up.

"Darian, thank you for doing this, really. But I don't want to get more people involved that don't need to be involved."

"I became involved the moment I decided to help you."

Anita groaned and sat down in a chair, massaging her temples. "Just...please check if Biana has manifested properly."

Darian walked over to Biana, and she focused on his stunning blue eyes.

"Biana, take a step out of the bed."

She did as she was told, and then she felt it.

A flicker.

"Oh my gosh," she breathed.

It felt so different from before. It felt like she could not only become invisible, but she could actually disappear. It was as if she could just pass through everything.

"It worked," Darian said to Anita. "We should get going."

"There is no we."

Darian smiled at Anita. "Come on, Anita. What is it you have against me?"

"That smile makes it seem like you already know."

Biana watched the interaction between the two elves. They obviously knew each other, but what relationship did they have? They definitely weren't friends. It was unlikely they were related too. Maybe they were just coworkers?

Then she saw Darian place his hands on Anita's arm and her face softened for a brief second. Biana had another idea of what their relationship might be like.

"How many times do I have to—"

"We're not talking about this right now," Anita said hurriedly. "I'm surprised Karie hasn't come down here yet. Let's go."

Darian turned back around to Biana. "You know you're a vanisher. You need to be invisible for this."

"Uh, I'm not really sure how to turn it on and off. I'm feeling crazy powerful right now, I don't know if I'm in control."

"It'll come naturally, just like it did before. Think of vanishing, and you will."

"We can't be seen leaving the basement with a non-TW member," Anita told her.

"Haven't the cameras already caught us entering, though?"

Anita and Darian exchanged a look, then Anita whipped out her phone.

"Get her out of the HQ," she said to Darian. "I'll deal with the footage."

Darian gave Anita a look that seemed to say, 'are you sure you can handle that?', and she nodded.

"Okay, Biana. I guess it's just you and me. Let's go."

A blush bloomed on Biana's face, and she quickly thought of vanishing so Darian wouldn't be able to see.

"Yeah, that'll do it."

Biana held her hands up to her face and was shocked when she couldn't see them. She knew they were there, she could feel them, but they had vanished. She had vanished without even trying.

"You're being very quiet. I hope you haven't left me yet," Darian said.

"I'm still here."

"Good. Follow me."

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