Ross's story

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I wake up before dawn at the rooster crowing. I groan just wanting a few more minutes of sleep oh who I kidding I want a few extra hours of sleep but nope. You would think sense I've lived on a farm my whole life I would be used to getting up this early. When the day comes when I'm not mad at getting up at five in the morning I'll let you know. While I think about this I get ready for the day. I stuff my favorite hoodie into my backpack so I wouldn't get to dirty. I head down stairs and see my parents already starting the days chores. I hug my mama and papa. On my way out the door mama hands me a piece of toast , she also says I can have some fruit from the garden but not to much. I do as she says and while I eat I also pick the fruit best for market. I set the basket on the table for mama to get ready later. And start over to the hen house. I fine my favorite chicken thunder muffin waiting for me. I get him and give him a bit of feed as a treat and feed the rest of the chickens. I hear my dad coming behind me to get the eggs I've collected. I wiped my hands on my jeans and carefully handed him the basket so non off the eggs would break. He tells me I did a good job and that I should head to the house to get cleaned up for school. I thank him and start walking back to the house. I bound up the stairs once I'm inside. I go to the bathroom and wash up. After I finish getting getting dressed and grab my keys, backpack, and phone. Then I'm out the door. While I'm walking down the street I feel something grab me from behind I throw back my elbow roughly and attempted to run. But like always Lilian is there waiting and I can't hit or hurt a girl that's just flat out wrong and assault. She grabs me then proceeds to throw me to the ground. When I hit the ground pain courses through every part of me. Jax and Lillian try and decide who gets first hit. And Jax wins and just before he dose Riley comes and takes the hit. She looks at them and snickers is that all you've got. I hear feet pounding on the concrete and see Jessie come up behind them. Riley threats to call max and sky to help her take care of these two -even though she could take them both without even breaking a sweat- and with that they make a run for it. Jess helps me up and after a few questions we start heading back on our way to school. We have a little bit of time but we just decided to go on to class. I head down the sophomore hall with my head down trying not to be noticed. For the first time in forever I make it to class without being made fun off. Class goes off without a hitch and 3:00 still doesn't come fast enough. I meet up with the others. And like most days we head down to our favorite spot. But as we get closer I truly cannot shake the feeling like this is going to be different somehow......

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