Shelbys story

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(The part in italics is a dream when italics ends the dream ends ok on with the story)
We were running through the woods trees blurred by. I felt the vines and leaves trying to protect us. We reach the field I see people but their all blurred, I hear shouting but can't make out the words, but one thing I do know is that the people we were fighting looked like shadow. The as if someone gave me glasses the world became clear. The thing I saw shocked me I saw someone that looked like aph and Riley yet they were different. And I watched as someone ran up behind one of the shadows with a sword. I watched in slow motion as Riley jumps in front saying don't hurt him.
I wake up in a start shaking, breathing hard, and crying was that a dream it felt so real. Who were those people and why did I feel like I had power coursing through my veins. I look at the time and see I have a hour before I have to get up help momma and papa open up the shop and head to school. I know there's no chance of me going back to sleep so I just get ready for the day and make breakfast for my family. I make us waffles, make a fruit salad from our garden out side, and mike from Ross family's from. When my parents come down they love the surprise. We eat over quite chatter and go down open our families flower shop. After everything set I'm off to school. I get there early so I sit under my favorite tree and start to read. When I started to see more people start to head inside school I join the crowd. I see my good friends Graser (his really name is Zach but Gaser is his nickname he goes by with his friends), Will, and Liam. I walk over and put my stuff in my locker and talk to them and Graser walk to homeroom. I save the other seat beside me for one of my closest friends Max. But when I look at the clock I see he has less than five minutes to get here. I watch the clock as it gets closer and closer to 8:00 am. And with less than a minute left he runs in and takes his seat. I pass him a note asking why he's late and he just says he over slept. But I know him to well. I know something is wrong but I don't want to get me or Max into trouble. Who am I kidding I just don't want Max mad at me like I said were really good friends ,but I can tell at any minute he's gonna snap. And when he does snap I don't want it to be at me. Finally the last bell rings and I suggest that we all go to the clearing. I really don't know why I just feel pulled towards it. Now do I tell the others this no I just say casually like it's a suggestion. And I know if they wouldn't have agreed I would have went anyway. And when we get there I know my feelings were correct.....
Just to more chapters. :)

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