Aphmuas story

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I hear my alarm go off I get up and get dressed. I look on my bedside table and the picture of my family when it was still whole. Before I knew who I was. When I was just having fun and being a kid. When I was with my friends from back in Phoenix Drop. But now I know who I am and who my parents are and I must protect my friends and brothers from me and them. I shake my thoughts away and go wake Levin and Malachi. They seem so peaceful and young... Levin was only five when our parents left and is now seven. Malachi was eight when it happened and is now ten. I wake them and tell them to get dressed while I make breakfast. They come down a few minutes later, and I have eggs, toast, and apple juice waiting for them. I have the same thing, just coffee instead of juice. We eat then head off to school, and I drop them off and head off to my school. On the way my best friend Riley meets up with me. She's the only person who knows about my past - she lived through it with me. Like I do, she has a past that the others don't know about. We both used to live in Phoenix Drop, but we had to move for reasons I don't want to think about. We chat the rest of the way to school, all until Riley stops dead in her tracks. She seems to be listening for something. Suddenly, she takes off to her left - I follow behind her. When she gets like this, I know something is wrong, and I know we won't be late because we have a t least fifteen to spare. I find her defending Ross from Jax and Lillian who, from what I could tell, had just been beating him up. But Riley had put a stop to it when she got there. The look in her eyes was "get lost or else." She tells them to back off or they would have to deal with her. "I could always get Max and Sky involved," she adds. "I'm sure they would love to knock some sense into you." And with that they take off running the opposite direction of us and towards school. We help Ross of and hand him his glasses, but see no visible marks. He says they were about to start when Riley came. We finish our walk to school with five minutes to spare so we just head to class. We wave Ross goodbye as he heads down the sophomore hall and we go down the junior hall. Since we are in the same homeroom, we talk until the bell rings. After school ends we talk for a few, and then I have to head off to get Levin and Malachi. I pick them up and we head home. While I'm getting ready for work (yes, I have a job - how do you think I pay rent) I get a call from max telling me to get down to the field between the to forests asap. I check the time and find I have a little bit of time before I have to be at work. I tell Malachi that I have to go to work early so he has to watch levin longer which he's fine with. I head off to the clearing and what I find shocks me along with the others..... think I would give it away in this part nope you have to wait until the intro to the characters are done. Also side note thank you for reading this it means a lot

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