Skys story

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I woke up to the sun streaming through my window. I heard my grandma talking to my younger sister down the hall. My sister and I live with my grandma because my parents died in a car accident two years ago. My sister was only twelve at the time and I was fifteen. We still miss them but we try to keep things upbeat. I get up and dressed. I push my shaggy hair back with my favorite sunglasses. I head down the hall towards the eat in kitchen. After a quick breakfast of frozen waffles I grab a apple and sandwich for lunch. I'm walk my sister to the middle school and head off to my school. I have a little extra time before school so I stop by the park and read for a few. I head to school with a few minutes to spare. I'm in the senior hall so I'm way from my closest friends. But I at least had Jason and Cory in my classes. We have been friends almost as long as I've been friends with the rest of my gang. We hangout with the others but there not as close with them as I am. But Aph, Max, Jason, and I all think that Shelby and Cory have crushes on each other but they both refuse to say if it's true or not. Class went as usual. After school we met up with the others (Jason and Cory) had some sort of practice after school that I didn't. We chitchat until jess has to leave. The rest of us decided to go to our favorite spot in town a ,clearing between the to forest we have been going here forever. And what we find shocks us.....
Like I said in the last chapter I'm not going to revel what they find until I have finished the backstories for the characters. Also thank you SOOOO much for 17 reads so far I really only expected one and that's from my friend Marisa who gave me the idea to start uploading. So thank you once again. 8D ( do you get the reference if so I love you forever)

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