Traning again. (Part 2)

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Max's pov

After that mess of a fight, Shelby and I took our places on the field. I have to win I cannot lose to Shelby . No one would ever let me live it down, but then again I don't want to go full out and hurt her. If I did that Ross, Jess, and Riley would hurt me double what I did to her. My thoughts are interrupted by Mark once again telling us to start fighting. I was thinking of my first move when I felt a harsh feeling on my side. Shelby had kicked me so hard I had lost my balance. She took this as an advantage. She through her hand out and a group of vines, flowers, and other foliage wraps around my legs. I can see that the other ends are connected to Shelby's hands almost like whips. I think fast and like a spark, I got a brilliant idea. I took the vines in both my hands and set them on fire them. Before Shelby could even comprehend what I was doing she was flung backward, with licks of fire on her clothing and going her body. She just laid there not moving. I panicked thinking that I had killed her so I ran over to her. But when I did she jumped forward her feet connecting with my chest. I was thrown backward by the force as I landed with a thud on a patch of tree roots. I silently curse at myself for forgetting that Shelby is a gymnast who can to very fast jumps and turns. I push my self upwards only to preparing my next move. When I heard a harsh crack and felt something sharp and rough pull me forward to face a smirking Shelby. I'm completely tied up with no way of getting out of the straight jacket of vines. If I were to set them on fire I would probably would burn myself. We're so close I can feel her warm breath on my face and she seems not to care. I can feel my face getting red and warm. It was only a few seconds but it felt like an eternity even though wasn't more than 4 seconds. Just to spite me Shelby lets go of the vine she was holding on and lets me fall to the ground. She walks over to the other girls with a smirk with a and with a snap with of her fringers I'm free. I walk over to the others very embarrassed about what had just happened. I mentally scold myself. I know I can fight better then this I let my emotions and fears of hurting Shelby cloud my thought proses. I make a vow to myself that this will be the first and last time something like this happens ever again. I can only imagine what would happen if one of my friends was in danger and I lost concertion while fighting. I sit down and put my head into my hands in disappointment and anger.

Shelby's POV

I can't believe that I actually beat Max I was basically paralyzed until he ran over to me. Its almost like when he lost his concentration the paralysis wore off. I can tell he's really beating himself up over the whole ordeal. I'm about to go and ask for a rematch or to apologize when Riley stops me telling me that it will just make things worse on the two of us. I swear that the girl has some hidden ability besides being able to control water and ice. I hear Lizzie and Lauren yell that is time to go inside so they can tell us what they thought about the training battles. We all slowly get up and head inside and once again the layout has changed. There is a stair case by what I'm assuming is the front door, a small kitchen off to the side with a breakfast bar with four stools, a table with enough seats to seat us all, and in the living room there is two couches, three arm chairs, end tables, coffee table, a gaunt beautiful fire place, with two large bookcases to ether side. Once again we all are in aw. But this time we're not the only ones it seems like out instructors are also confused. I look around in a daze. I see a set of stairs and a hall way. I just want to explore, when I hear a clock chime 6:00 this frazzled me I didn't know we had been out that late. I start to panic I look over at Jess who's having the same reaction. It hits me she probably had to work to day. Scott must see the pure mix of fear, anxiety, and panic. He reassures us that we are fine and all our tasks that needed to fulfilled have been done. I have relief fill me and wash over me. Lizzie asked a question I think that ran through everyone's mind. Lizzie, "do you all want to go look around. None of this is normal. It seems the house has finally changed to fit the needs of you. Hopefully it shouldn't changed anymore." We look to the person beside us a then rush ether down stairs or to the hallway. I hear Lauren yell and tells us dinner will be ready in 30 minutes give or take. We shout back answers of ok. I look down the hall behind max, with Callum, Mark and Riley at my heals. There's a few doors. We all look at each other wondering what secrets they hold. I open the first to find a large study or library filled with books, tables and chairs, and nick nacks everywhere. The two doors were bathrooms with shower tub combos plus a toilet and sink. The fourth door held a large indoor gym/training area. And the last door in the hallway was a game room. It had several different computers, two shelves worth of board games, tons of video games and controllers. It was a gamers dream land. We all look around in aw until our state of bliss is taken by Lauren yelling at the it's time to eat. We exit our fantasy land and go to the kitchen. The others are walking down the stairs chatting. We all take a seat and starts eating and explaining what we had found. Turns out all the bedrooms for us are on the second floor and our trainers all have rooms on the third floor up. I wish this is how it could be forever.
Little did I or did anyone except our freedom and fun was very short lived.


Hello to anyone that still reads this! I'm not dead! I was having writing block for a while but I started rewriting this on my google docs and have so many more ideas for this. I feel terrible for making you wait so long. Also I just released a new book called Sides of the Spectrum. If you like Tomas Sanders sander sides that's the characters I'm using. So this is Riley signing off bye guys!

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