Jack kline x reader

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You've been with the Winchester's since they saved you from a Rugaru hunt gone very bad, if it wasn't for their angel friend Castiel you'd been dead by now. You were told to stay at the bunker while the boys went to track down satan's son, so here you are sitting in the bunker waiting for them to get back reading some lore books. It's been a good day or you were it was starting to get bored, re-reading the same page on Hellhounds for the fifth time, the bunker door opened and closed.
[Y/N]! We're back." It was Sam's voice coming from the map room.
"Hey guys." You said walking in and giving them both hugs, you then noticed a guy around your age looking around very confused like he's never seen any of this before.
"Who's that." You asked once the hug came to an end, the boys awkwardly cleared their throats.
"I'm Jack." The guy you now know as Jack said very chipper.
"I'm [Y/N]." You said going to shake his hand, but Dean quickly grabbed him before we could make contact.
"No [Y/N] I don't want you around him don't look at him, don't talk to him, don't even think about him." You gave him a confused look and glanced to Sam asking him to explain.
"This is Jack...Lucifer's son." You looked at him in shock then at the look of shame on Jacks face which made you pity him, I bet he's a nice kid just Dean won't give him the time of day to prove it.
It was later that evening Sam and Dean we're asleep so you had snuck into Jacks room to talk to him, you wanted to get to know him and answer any questions he may have being new to the world.
"Hello [Y/N]." Jack said looking up at you before looking at his forearm.
"Whatcha looking at?" His eyes snapped back toward you.
"There's a mark on my arm in the shape of a wolf. Do you know what it means?" The only thing that could come to your mind was the conversation you had with Cas a few months back.
"Hey Cas I've been meaning to ask what that gun on your arm is."
"Well its a sign that describes my soulmate, it's either something they love or something that describes them perfectly."
"Oh..how do you know when you find your soulmate?"
"Well the first time you meet it's nothing but when you touch them everything changes and eventually a bright light goes off, lightbulbs bust, and once it happens an Angel will insist on staying with them at all times."
"Oh okay...Whose your soulmate?" He cleared his throat his eyes wandering to Dean before he disappeared.
"Well Jack it describes your soulmate, the person you're supposed to spend the rest of your life with." You said.
"You know who it is when when you come in contact and eventually the signs fall into place. You had stayed in his room for a few good hours giving him a quick goodnight before you went to your own room. A few days later Jack brought Cas back, and you gave him a great big hug thanking him over and over again, suddenly the there was a bright light and the lightbulbs broke, the back up generator kicked on Jack Sam and Dean looked confused while you and Cas shared a knowing look.

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