Tristan Blane x reader

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An account that would like to remain anonymous requested this.
I won't lie I really don't know much about this guy except he's tiktok famous and if any of you know him and I write something totally uncharacteristic just comment and I'll fix it or message me.
Other than that please enjoy my first tiktok soulmate in which a red string leads you to your s/o.
I was best friends with Chris Williams so I knew his big brother Bryan. I wasn't as close to Bryan as I was to Chris so naturally after the two left to pursue their dreams in LA me and Bryan fell out of touch, as for me and Chris it would sometimes take him days to text me back and I understood why but I was really missing my best friend.
*texting Bryan*
I'm really missing Chris. Is there anyway I can come see him?

Hello to you too.
Chris has been missing you too.
It's up to Zach if you can come out here I can talk to him for you but I can't promise anything.

Sorry Hi Bryan.
I understand if I can't but it doesn't hurt to ask just don't tell Chris or anybody else because if I can come I wanna surprise him.

You have my word.

*End of text*

*LA airport*
My flight just landed in La, Zach agreed that I could stay for one week only.
Bryan said he was picking me up at the airport hopefully it won't be awkward. I was waiting by baggage claim when I felt a tap on my shoulder.

"Hey!" I said to Bryan giving him a hug. We may not be close but I like hugs.

"Hey how was your flight?"

"I hated it! Never flying again!"

"Oh so we're stuck with you." I rolled my eyes and laughed a little spinning back around I grabbed my bags.

"You know I know you think your being funny but your just rude." I said giving a slight pout.

He rolled his eyes. "Put that lip away or I'm leaving you here." He led me outside to his car and put my bags in the back. It was awkward the first few minutes but we settled into a casual conversation and he eventually asked if I had found my soulmate.

"No I haven't found him but my string has been getting tighter so I think he lives here."

"Oh then you can stay with them." I laughed out loud at this.

"Hey I'm just glad it's not you '' my best friends brother' sounds kinda cliche."

"Very true." We pulled up at the house all the other boys outside filming tiktoks Bryan pulled out his phone and got on his live.

"Hey guys I got Chris a surprise hopefully he likes cause quite honestly I think it's terrible." I reached over a flicked him.

"Ow hey cut that out or I'm taking you back to the airport." Bryan got out of the car and walked up to Chris. They talked for a little bit before Bryan waved for me to get out, when I stepped out Chris stood there for awhile in shock but came and scooped me up in a big bear hug he kissed my face all over which he knew I hated but made me laugh.
He finally put me down Bryan still had his phone out filming I noticed one of the boys walking back inside shutting the door hard.

"Guys this is my best friend that I'm always talking about! Bryan I fucking love you man."

After we said goodbye to the fans and hello to the rest of the boys, minus Tristan, I spent the rest of the day making videos with Chris and him telling me some stories about living here. After dinner I was laying in the guest bedroom wide awake messing with my hand the string was on, it was really tight and made it uncomfortable I had noticed it throughout the day but elected to ignore it, partly because I was nervous and partly because I wanted to spend sometime with Chris that's the whole reason I can't put here.

After tossing and turning in bed for a few more minutes I got up to go to the kitchen for a glass of water but ended up getting distracted by someone talking about me from the living room. Hiding behind the wall I could tell it was Chris talking to someone.

*With Tristan and Chris*
"Why didn't you tell me she was your soulmate man?"  I had noticed that Tristan had been fiddling with his soulmate string and I noticed [Y/N] do it as well I just put two and two together.

"I didn't know how to tell you that your girl was my soulmate!"  I gave him a what the fuck are you talking about look.

"My girl? She's not my girl she's my best friend! If you had stuck around long enough to meet her you would've figured that out when she arrived!" Tristan started making little motions and mumbling but I understood what he was trying to say.

"Oh god I need to talk to her! I have to explain I hate to.." He was cut off by someone clearing their throat we both turned and saw [Y/N]  standing there.

"You don't have to explain yourself I understand and it doesn't really help that we never even tried to speak to each other so makes it look bad. I was just nervous about meeting...well you." Chris had left you both to talk a smile on his face he was glad his best friend found her soulmate and whatever happens between them he was gonna be there for her.

You guys wanna know what I think is crazy. That when I started writing on here I was like 14 and just kinda gave up cause no one liked them but now I'm back and people like them and I'm just kinda like...Woah!

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