Negan x reader

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Where your soulmate mark is something the name of your soulmate on one wrists but the name of your worst enemy on the other but the name is on both of your wrists are the same.
It was a normal day, well the apocalypse seemed to be normal for those who lived in it long enough but those who didn't were lucky because they didn't have to go through the pain of not meeting their soulmate. (Not that being eaten alive is any better) It was night and you and the only people you consider your family is kneeling along beside you because you were all captured by Negan's men. The man known as Negan was talking to us about a new world but you couldn't focus his words made you want to stab him but they also sent shivers down your spine. You knew the name on your wrist but you were in denial of who he was you weren't going to be able to love him he was your worst enemy he killed two of your friends he was a monster. So lost in thought you didn't even notice him squat down to your size and was waving a hand in your face.
"You alright there darlin?" You glared at him acknowledging that he was there but ignored the question.
"Speak when you are spoken too." You spit in his face his face was calm and collected someone from behind pulled your hair back a knife to your throat he was waiting for the word to slice your throat but it never came. Neagan wiped the spit off his face and smiled.
"What's your name girlie?" You didn't want to give him your real name so you used a fake one.
"Claire." He looked at you like he didn't believe you.
"Anybody ever tell you that your a shitty liar."
"Never to my face." He chuckled at your quick response.
"How about you tell me your name and I don't bash the kids fucking head in." He wasn't asking he was demanding it with a threat you loved Carl he was like a nephew to you and you'd do anything to protect him.
"[Y/N], that's my name [Y/N]." You immediately looked to Rick he was the only one that knew the name on your wrist and he looked so broken that he was mostly likely about to lose the girl that was like a sister to him.
"[Y/N]? What a lovely name. Arat put her in the truck." A women you assumed was Arat grabbed you by your arm to pull you up but you headbutted her, you were not about to leave your family to go with the man that killed two of them. Neagan grabbed you up by your hair onto your feet and looked deep into your eyes trying to calm you and you hated that fact that it was working. He grabbed your arm and pulled you into the RV forcefully closing the door, you could hear everything he was saying and when he was through he got into the RV along with another man Neagan grabbed you and put you into the bedroom while the other man went to the drivers seat.
"Your lucky I put you in here darlin Arat would've killed you."
"I doubt you'd care seeing as were enemies."
"Mm but we're also soulmates if you believe it or not."
"Really so if you really care about having a soulmate why get married?" You can still see the indention in his ring finger so you were just assuming.
"You got a good eye. I got married simply because I loved her and the whole soulmate thing wasn't really what I wanted I didn't want to be forced into a relationship simply because they were my soulmate." That's a very valid reason the same reason you had while growing up but in the apocalypse it didn't seem to matter to you anymore you just wanted to know if he was okay or at least alive but now that you know you don't know if you can even love him.
"I wouldn't hurt you darlin, and with you around I'll stick to my promises only half their stuff and nothing more."
"So if I wasn't your meant to be lover you'd let us die we have children in Alexandria people that barley know how to fight for themselves an God forbid those children that can't even see their father because youfucking killed him hours ago." He was setting an example of what happens if you cross him but he didn't have to take Glenn away he was a survivor a soon to be father and your best friend.
"Darlin. I'm sorry." Neagan had crossed the room to wipe the tears that had streamed down your face St the mention of Glenn you collapsed into his arms crying over him and Abraham it was comfortable even when he moved you both to lay on the bed.
"I hate you." You said after calming down but you didn't move from your position with Neagan.
"I don't blame you." Was all he said before you drifted off to sleep tired from the night you had and all the crying you had done.

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