Pennywise x reader

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Grey, that's all I saw well technically that's all anybody saw until they met their soulmate, but not everybody stayed with their soulmate in a romantic way it would be a platonic relationship and for some that worked out great for others well they'd get married have kids and thrive it all depends on the pull you feel towards them.
Now me I'm a sophomore best friends with the losers club and if it wasn't for that crazy summer I would've never been able to see the colors of the world.

As me, Bill, Richie and Eddie we're walking down the halls we were talking about Stans Bar Mitzvah.
"There's a church full of Jews and Stan  were take his Jew-y test."Eddie.
"But how does it work?" Bill
"They slice the tip of his dick off." Eddie.
"But then he'll have nothing left." Richie. Sometime after getting picked on by Bowers and talking about Betty Ripsom we found ourselves at the barrens looking for any sign of Georgie, Bills brother, you felt a strange pull to go farther in to the sewer but quickly decided against it when the new kid fell into the water behind us bleeding taking a quick glance over my shoulder I saw a flicker of color and knew immediately that I had to come back.
After we had fixed Ben up it was getting pretty late so we all parted ways since me and Bill lived close to each other we walked home together he was talking about Beverly they were soulmate's, but neither knew if it was platonic or not they couldn't read the pull so they opted to ignore each other until now because of their old new found friendship, she would be joining them tomorrow at the quarry but not you, you were afraid of the water ever since your father was found by a lake dead in the water the autopsy report said he had drowned while drunk. So you spent the day walking the town occasionally having to dodge the Bowers gang, you headed back down the alley that you guys had fixed Ben in and took notice of the graffiti on the walls one stuck out in particular, it was a of clown his smile wide it went to his eyes he looked creepy running your hand over it there once again was color too the dull world you always saw.
I never cared for color I knew what it looked like from being in my old dimension, but after sometime of being on this dreadful planet it was becoming dull I've been around long enough to know about soulmates but after being around for so many years and doing the things I do you wouldn't think a "guy" like me wouldn't have one. I've become accustomed to not seeing colors but after spotting some kids in the barrens there was a flash of colors but just as quick as it came it was gone. I stalked the kids from yesterday at what the residents call the quarry quickly taking notice that not all the kids from yesterday was there, that's when I saw it the color I followed the pull and saw a female standing in an alleyway her hand on the painting of me, I didn't want to approach her with my clown form a quickly changed to better suit the world (so you know basically Bill Skarsgård) and approached her.

The colors were amazing but I felt like someone was creeping up on me quickly turning around I swung my fist at the person but they ended up catching it.
"It was a nice swing but your gonna need a little more force otherwise it's to weak of a hit."
"Why were you sneaking up on me?" I asked pulling hand away.
"I was simply following the pull."
"The pull?" That was when you realized that you saw colors from his blue shirt to his brown hair.
"Oh my god your.."
"Your soulmate. Yeah I am."I Didn't know what I was expecting to feel but this feeling was to much.
"Well I better be off but I'll see you around." I turned and walked off I knew she was still in shock so the second I turned the corner I disappeared not wanting to freak her out.
I didn't know what to do I heard the words he said but I couldn't comprehend them so I was left alone on the alleyway.
"Hey you okay?" I turned noticing my friends I took in what they were wearing a I started crying tears of joy.
"Hey hey why are you crying."
"I met my soulmate."

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