Daryl Dixon X Reader part3

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Living with Negan wasn't all bad he had you in the garden (which is where you are right now) since you told him that you had been a worker in a greenhouse. He did have you as a wife but he somehow knew he wasn't gonna be able to keep you locked in the room with the rest of the wives you did however have to wear the stupid dress.

He never slept with you never demanded things but he always, ALWAYS, had you by his side when it came to speaking to the workers on the fence. That's where he kept Daryl at the end of the day they'd always throw him back in a cell with Dwight feeding him dog food sandwich's.

You were plucking some ripe tomatoes when you noticed people bowing whenever he was close enough you spoke.

"Hello my dear husband how may I help you this fine evening?" You said. examining a tomato.

"You know your sarcasm is gonna get you in trouble." You plucked the tomato and turned to face him with a smile.

"You might be on to something." You said tossing the tomato in the basket. "Now what do you need I'm very busy."

"I'm going out today and your gonna have to watch Daryl he's been..misbehaving."

"That's Dwights job."

"And now it's yours for the day. Come on don't tell me you don't want to see your soulmate." His grinned that shit eating grin.

You glared him down." Fine." You got up and followed after him, he had you go put your dress back on then you stopped at the cafeteria to get some real food for Daryl. Thankfully since you were a wife you didn't have to have points. You switched out with Dwight him giving you the keys and telling you not to let him out.

After they had left you opened the cell door Daryl was sitting in the corner his head in his arms you walked a little ways in and sat the plate down beside him.

"You alright?" Silence. "I brought some food for you." More silence, sighing you got up leaving the door open. Walking to the table you noticed a radio you turned it on and the song east street starts playing.

"God what crap is this." You turned it off and slumped in the chair. After a few minutes of boredom the plate that had once been covered with food was shoved out next to your heels. "What no thank you." Silence. "Ugh rude." You said with a playful tone and picked up the plate. "You can come out you know, I don't bite..come on Daryl you'd rather sit in a cell then come out here stretch a little."

You didn't hear any moving or anything you got up to shut the door just as your hand grabbed it, he grabbed you and pushed you up against the entrance to the cell. A look of worry in his eyes as they were roaming your body, probably to see if there was any scars or anything, his hands moved to your soulmate mark where he stared for a while his finger gently running over it.

"I'm sorry." You gave a small smile removing his hands you wrapped yours around his neck.
"I'm gonna get you out of here." His hands wrapped around your waist. You weren't sure how long you stayed like that but it made you feel safe.

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