Pennywise x reader part 2

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Your friends had told you what they had found out about the town and their experience with a clown named Pennywise but you never saw a clown. Maybe they were all seeing things but why would they all see the same thing? They told you how they were on their way to Bills to look at map of Derry see if they can track down the clown and for your own amusement you went with them.

You had all arrived at Bill's house and set up the recent map of Derry Mike brought out a projector and placed the card of old Derry's map in it along with other cards of photos. The old map aligned perfectly with the new one and showed the place of all the disappearance and things like the Black spot. Bill started talking about how they needed to go to the well house which was actually Neilbolt house everybody was picking sides yes we need to go it no it's summer we should he having fun while you, you were following the pull that was telling you that your soulmate was close by. The projector started to flip through the slides showing images of Georgie getting closer to his face then to Bills mom that had hair in her face but when the hair was moved it was a very scary ass clown that was in her place we all started screaming and yelling instead of unplugging the Mike shoved the projector over it went dark.
One, nothing.
Two, nothing.
Three, the clown seemed to have jumped through the wall scaring all of us you had backed yourself up against the wall opposite of the clown Beverly and the others by the garage door. You noticed the clown heading towards an unsuspecting Beverly.
"Beverly!" You shouted warning her but the clowns head snapped towards you and for a second his golden eyes turned a soft blue and you could feel it the pull and you were so confused this wasn't your soulmate it couldn't be you had met him in the alleyway by the clown painting. The clown was in front of you now he reached hos hand out and grabbed you just as the boys opened the garage door and you both seemed to disappear when the light hit now you were in the what you could only assume was the sewers because of the smell with a pacing clown talking to himself about how "He knew I'd find out but not this quick and now I'm going to leave him alone in this God forsaken town." 'Hell why shouldn't I this is suppose to be the thing that killed the kids he's s monster.' You thought the second your thought that his eyes snapped towards you.
"You think I'm a monster." You didn't know what to say yea sure you thought he was a monster killing innocent children. "I'm not a monster it's called surviving Im like a bear before hibernation I only have so much time to feed before I sleep my years away." 'Like a bear? That would make sense why the killings are so far apart he's just surviving .'
"Now your getting your a smart one." You blushed at the compliment.
"You shouldn't eat children you know they're Innocents that will now never get to know the experience of growing up and meeting their soulmates and living their lives out."
"I shouldn't....but their fear it drives me that's what I survive on it's so delicious compared to teenagers or adults."
"Their had to be another way for you Penn children shouldn't be your only way of survival." Pennywise smiled at the nickname you had given him but he couldn't help the need to feed off children it was your fear for your friend that made him realize you were in that garage had he known he wouldn't have scared them because he didn't want you to see the monster he was but now that you know he doesn't know what to do.

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