Daryl Dixon x Reader part 2

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Months had went by without us talking or even looking at one another the group had been through a lot we lost Deanna and then Negan came around and started taking "HALF"our shit. I ended up in a little argument with one of his women who persistently tried to take the first gun I had received from my father, which had led to me chunking her out the house which seemed like a really good idea at the time until I noticed Negan rushing forward a worried Rick behind him.

"What in the hell is going on here?" Negan asked in a very calming manner. You noticed Daryl behind Negan a few feet away he was taken when Negan killed some of our men so knowing he was okay was awesome even if he didn't want you.

"Just a little dispute about property, no need to worry." I said.

"Well excuse the fuck out of me but it becomes my problem when one of my important women gets thrown out of a house." He said taking a step forward.

"Well maybe she shouldn't take what doesn't belong to her." I said taking a step forward also trying to show I wasn't scared. Daryl seemed to have also stepped closer to us.

"Well now how about we go have a little chat inside." He pointed towards the door. "Rick why don't you stay out here." Before Rick could respond Negan grabbed you and pulled you towards the door you following with no resistance, before Negan slammed the door I swear I saw fear on Daryl's face. 

"So little dispute about property?" He chuckled then grabbed me by my chin. "Lets get one thing straight your property is my property now your whole damn towns property is mine." He releases  your chin, looking around I suppose for something to take he notices you rubbing your soulmate mark. "So you still got a soulmate?" You didn't know what game he was playing but you nodded. "Whats his or her name?" He sounded like he actually cared but it could've been a trick so you opted for not answering. "You know, you should really speak when spoken to because that's how little girls get punished." PUNISHED?
"I-i don't know I figured he died." It was a lie but luckily you were a good liar apparently not that good though cause it was obvious he could see through it.

"I don't like liars." He pulls out his knife and presses it against my cheek in a threatening manner.

"What does it matter you already have him treat him like he's scum whatever you were planning to do its done, besides he doesn't want me anyways." He took you words and then a smile came upon his face like he had the greatest thought in the entire world.

"That so? Then your not gonna mind when I do this." Grabbing you by the arm he flung the front door open and pulled you past Rick towards one of the trucks and pushed you inside it. With the door still open you saw Daryl and Rick fear in both of their eyes.

"You know Rick I have just decided that I wont take anymore of your stuff today if you allow me to take this lovely lady as my wife." Rick looked dumbfounded he knew that you were Daryl's he told him.

"I don't think I can allow that."Rick said.

"You don't think you can allow that? Well damn why not? Not like she has a soulmate hell she even told me herself that he didn't want her(makes eye contact with Daryl) I think that means she's up for grabs." Before anything else could be said he shut the door and all of his men took this as their cue to load up.

"Its a shame really a pretty girl like her, doesn't deserve that." He said speaking to Daryl as he walks by hops into the driver seat and left Alexandria. 

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