Getting ready...

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I woke up with Leo by my side awake playing with my hair,he saw my eyes flickering,and kissed me on the lips,what a nice wake up call!

"Morning princess"

"Morning Leo,what are we doing today"

"Erm I don't know babe,I was thinking we could all go and see eachothers families. I mean you've already met all mine but iw as thinking we could go and meet your parents if that was ok" damn Leo's morning voice was sexy

"Yeah sure,go have your shower then" I couldn't let Leo get out of bed without a kiss,I grabbed him back by his wrist and gave him a sloppy kiss.

The second Leo was out the room, Charlie had 'woken' up.

"Morning Charlie"

"Morning beautiful" Charlie came and jumped on the bed,giving me a kiss on the cheek. He can't do this,I'm with Leo now!

"Charlie,you can't keep kissing me,I'm with leo,not you,please,just don't kiss me,I don't want to break any of your hearts again."

"Sorry Y/N,I'm just to jealous to let you go,please give me a chance"

"Charlie you need to stop kissing me now though,I'm Leo's girlfriend,I'm your bestfriend,nothing more,nothing less.

"Ok I'm so sorry Y/N I love you though"

"I love you too babe,but as a bestfriend,and you need to understand that".

Charlie just nodded his head,and gave me a hug.. I hope I haven't broke his heart or made him upset. I mean The feeling of being with Charlie would be nice,but it wouldn't be as good as being in a relationship with Leo, I mean Charlie doesn't look like on of those boys who would break a girls heart multiples of times,I think he would treat them right,but I feel like Leo would treat me better. I love them both,but leo,I love him in a boyfriend and girlfriend way,unlike Charlie. Anyway...within 10 minutes Leo was back in his room,with a towel round his waist. Oh. My. God. That's what you call HOT! His abs. Wow. It damn amazing.

"I'm going to go have a shower now babey,is that ok?"

"Yeah princess just get a towel from the cupboard"


Y/N looked a bit taken away when I walked in with a towel round my waist,I think she likes my abs.

" Charlie can you go out a min buddy,I need to get dressed."

"Alright bud"

Charlie walked out and I just sat on my bed for ages,thinking about how hot and adorable Y/N. It's not just about her looks though,it is her personality aswell, she seems to be able to be herself around me and Charl,and I like that,she don't put to much makeup and I like that too, I don't like girls who put loads of makeup on, in all honestly,it looks like they are fake,like a barbie doll. I'm glad she is my girlfriend,I'm proud to call her mine. Anyway,I got dressed,black skinny genes,black baggy top,and my high tops. By time I was ready,Y/N was coming Into my room to get changed into her clothes,so obviously I gave her,her personal space. I left out the room to see Charlie talking to my mum about where we was going.

"Charlie are you gonna go have a shower now?"

"Oh yeah,I'll talk to you later Victoria" Charlie walked off and left me and my mum in the hall way.

"Mum please can you make us all pancakes with Nutella please"

"Of course Leo"

"Thanks mum love you'

"Love you too munchkin" with that I walked back into my room,with Y/N's permission.

Y/N looked stunning as usual. She was in the middle of just putting on a little bit of mascara. Before i knew it she was already ready.

"Babe is Charlie in the shower"

"Yeah princess he should be out soon" I wrapped my arms around her waist from the back and kissed her on the cheek.

"I love you" I whispered

"I love you too Leo"

"Guys sorry if I'm interrupting anything but can I have some privacy please.."

"Yeah sure Charlie,come on Y/N"


Leo led the way out of his room,when I followed his steps,but just as I walked past Charlie he winked and mouthed 'I love you' I just smiled...I don't know what I'm supposed to say or do.. I just walked out.


Y/N didn't really seem annoyed by the fact I winked at her when Leo was out the room..I really love Y/N,and I want to be with her,but Leo means to much of a bestmate and I don't want Y/N to hate me,I'm not going to break them up,even though I wish Y/N could be mine. I soon after got ready,wearing black skinny genes,a blue dyed top,and my gold high tops. Even though they aren't proper gold. I was ready within minutes,but then I done my hair,that only takes a few minutes... I was soon ready and out in the hall watching Y/N and Leo snogging their faces off.. It breaks my heart.

"Are we ready then?" I asked.

"Yeah my mums just making us Nutella pancakes,we will have them then go and meet Y/N's family"

"Ok that's cool"

Leo and Y/N walked down the stairs and into the kitchen hand in hand,while I walked behind texting,not focusing on them hand in hand,it will make my heart break into quarters seeing that.

"Thanks for the pancakes Vic" I said

"Ah your welcome Charlie,anytime!!"

"Thank you Victoria" Y/N said,going red a little. I think she was shy..

"Yeah thanks mum,they were nice"

"Ah it's ok Leo and Y/N"

I gave Y/N a smile,making my dimples visible,she liked them,she has since when we met!! She smiled back. I put my head down, and looked at Leo

"Mum we are going to go to Y/N's house now to meet her family is that ok?"

"Yeah that's fine,come back home whenever you are ready"

"Bye Mum"

"Bye Victoria" me&Y/N said

"Bye everyone"

They were hand in hand again walking to the door,my heart broke even more,I'm jealous,I wish that was me holding her hand not Leo. She is perfect,and I will love her no matter what.

"Right let's go then"

We all walked out the door,with me shutting it behind me.



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