What's wrong...

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"Beautiful shall we go around Leo's, we haven't seen him for ages and ages" I kissed Y/N's beautiful soft lips. "Maybe" Y/N slyly said and laughed. "Right then put some clothes on" I smacked her bum gently. "Ok sir" Y/N joked. I decided I should text Leo first though.

To: Leo✌️
its alright if me and Y/N come round now init?😜xxx
From: Charlie✌️

To: Charlie✌️
yeh x
From: Leo✌

Once my princess had finished getting ready and all that rubbish that girls spend hours on doing, we finally left her house to go to Leo's. We got there after a while, I knocked the door and waited for a reply. "Hey guys Leo's upstairs, why else would you be here for?" Antonio joked, making us both laughed. "Ah cheers mate" I answered Antonio, giving him a bro hug as Antonio was down with all that, while Y/N just smiled. I dragged Y/N up by her hand, and walked through into Leo's room. "Alright matey" I gave Leo also a bro hug, once Y/N had given him a gentle hug. "Hi" he mumbled. "Have you still got that pain?" Y/N asked Leo. He just nodded. Wow he really isn't right. "Hey Leo, are you ok? You really aren't alright" i went and plonked myself down on Leo's bed. "Mm" Leo mumbled again! "So how did your tests go?" I asked Leo another question. "Dunno, mum hasn't told me" Leo's tone went down, and so did his mood. "Is it good results then?" Y/N said. He shook his head. "I don't think so anyway" His eyes went red, as if he was about to cry. Then I knew he was, as I saw a single drip fall onto his duvet. "Hey Leo do you want me to go get you a drink or food or something?" Y/N asked considerably. "Yeah please babe, a Nutella sandwich, with coke please" Leo smiled, well slightly anyway. "Ok" Y/N smiled and walked out the room.


I walked down through the sitting room to see Joey and Jordi there. "Hey Joey, hey Jord" I said, forgetting about Leo's food. "Hey alright babe" Jordi's Essex voice replied. "Hey babe" Joey answered. "Hey erm Joey, do you know about Leo's results, he doesn't know, but he thinks its bad" I wondered. Joey placed the PS4 controller onto the table in front of him, his smile dimmed, and his eyes shut. "It's bad isn't it?" I said, also getting a bit emotional. Joey nodded, I looked at to Jordi, who was looking at me, I smiled and he returned. "Babe, I don't really want to tell you, seeing as Leo doesn't even know" Joey looked at to me. "I understand, sorry for asking Joe" I got off the sofa. "No, come sit here, I will tell you" Joey patted the seat next to him, which I went and sat on. "Right, so, Ll-eo h-h-as g-g-g-g-o-o-t" Joey's eyes watered. "Joey, don't worry about it, I know it's something bad, I really shouldn't ask. Don't worry" I patted his back and gave him a hug from the side. "I'll see ya both soon" I said, as I walked through into the kitchen. "See ya later babe" Jordi said, smiling. "B-b-ye b-aa-be"

In the kitchen, Victoria stood, making herself a cup of something. "Hi Vic" I went and grabbed all the stuff I needed. "Oh hello darling, how are you?" Mum Devries stirred her cup. "I'm fine, you?" I started putting Nutella on the bread. "I'm fine too" she took a sip of her drink. "Look, have you noticed something with Leondre?" Asked Vic. "Yeah, he doesn't seem himself, he thinks that something is wrong with his tests" I finished with the bread and folded it over, and cut it through the middle. "I haven't told Leo about it yet, but it isn't exactly good news, he has.." I couldn't take it in. "Sorry Victoria I didn't hear you?" I went and poured a drink of coke for Leo. "H-h-e h-h-a-a-s c-c-a-n..." Victoria started crying heavily. "No no no no, surely not? Haven't they got the tests wrong?" My eyes started streaming with tears. She shook her head. "They haven't, I asked, and they haven't got it wrong, it might sound a bit rude, but I would like you and charlie to leave so that I could tell Leondre" She said in between tears. "Yeah I fully understand, sorry to hear about it" I gave her a tight strong hug. "We will all keep strong through this" I comforted Victoria.

With the tears finally starting to run out, I finished crying with Victoria and went upstairs, to grab Charlie and Leo. Not literally. "Come on Charlie we have to go, and Leo your drink and sandwich and your mum is downstairs waiting for you" I said, hugging him. "Ok thanks for the drink and food though b" Leo looked so confused. "See you soon then?" I asked, I was curious. "Yeah, some day I suppose, text me yeah?" Leo hugged me tighter, "yeah i will Leo, and so will Charlie" I smiled at him. "Bye Charlie" Leo moved onto Charlie and they said there goodbyes.

We, me and charlie finally walked out of the Devries household. The tears just came flooding through. "Babey what's wrong?" Charlie asked as he gripped onto my hand tighter. "Leo..." I said, not being able to say it himself. "What is it babe, you can tell me anything!" I looked into his eyes, well i say looked but it was all blurred from the tears.

"He has g-g-o-o-t c-c-can-c-er" Charlie looked at me shocked.

"Cancer, l-Leo, surely not?" Charlie's eyes were like mine. Red veiny, and full of water that we wanting to be let through too drop down his red cheeks.

"Yes" I stopped.

"Leondre Antonio Devries has cancer"

Started to cry at this because if this happened in real life i think i would actually like die unless charlie was still alive😭
what do you think about Leo having cancer? i know i hate it

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