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I suggest you listen to:

The Cinematic Orchestra - To Build a Home

For this chapter, it will be more effective.

*5 Weeks Later, Half term*


5 weeks have gone. 5 weeks of no Leondre. I haven't spoken to him. I miss him, but I just cannot forgive him.

He sends me apolgy texts and how much he misses and loves me everyday, it always brings tears to my eyes.

I miss our hugs, kisses, cute moment. I just miss him and me.

Through not being with Leondre I haven't been myself. I haven't come out of the house for 5 weeks, I haven't even been going to school, because I knew I would have to face him. I just don't have the guts too.

Charlie comes round and visits me everyday. Charlie is still in shreds of tears through Lauren, like I am with Leondre. It was 1pm. around the time that Charlie comes to visit me, yay! Charlie has been such a good friend through this! we help each other through everything.

My daydream got interrupted by someone knocking at the door. A smile magically appeared on my face, because I knew the highlight of my day was here. With my hair in a complete mess, and my onesie drooping down, I went and answered the door to see come one I didn't want to see standing there.


My smile disappeared. While the tears started appearing. I shut the door back on his face, not even hearing one word from him. "Princess, I love you. Open the door" I just completely ignored his voice, and went and sat back down on the sofa, where I was watching some spongebob. "Y/N, beautiful, please open the door, I miss you. I love you. Please just open up" the requesting carried on and i started getting annoyed by him. With anger tearing me up, i went back to the door, and whizzed it open, seeing a tearful Leondre stood there. "Baby finally, I just want to sa..." I let the words speak for myself, not meaning for them to come out. "Leondre for crying out loud, piss off, you are a cheating little scumbag. Now piss off and go to your own home you little rat" I screamed to him, making tears form in both our eyes. I closed the door, and went and cried myself to sleep.

"You may now kiss the bride" said the vicar with happiness. Me and my handsome husband formed our lips together, in front of all our family and friends. "I love you baby" Leondre said, kissing me again. "I love you too Leondre" we shared another kiss, and we walked hand in hand down the isle. People threw all the confetti over our heads, causing us to laugh and smile to everyone. "Congratulations mate" Charlie said to my newly wedded husband. "Cheers Charlie" "and congratulations missy" Charlie giggled, while giving me a kiss on the cheek. "We vun mumma a dadda" said our gorgeous little Charlotte, who is now 2 and a half years old. "Baby for the rest of our lives, it is going to be perfect" said Leondre, still linking our hands together. "It sure..."

I got woken up from my sleep and dream, by a boy who had blonde hair and blue eyes. "Hey babe" Charlie said while forming his lips onto my cheek. "Hey Charlie" I said while smiling. "Are you ok?" "Fine.. Just fine, except from the fact he turned up" Charlie's face formed with anger. "He what? He turned up here, to upset my baby girl even more? what a prick" i jumped up from the sofa, and hugged the most important boy in my life right now. "Don't worry Charlie, we will stick together and get through all this tough sh*t" I said comforting his head in my chest.


I miss her. I miss her kisses. Her hugs. Her personality. Just her. It will never be back normal as I want it. Lauren and me completely ruined both our lives. I completely hate lauren for making me do this. Me and my beautiful princess aren't talking. And me and Charlie aren't talking either. Nothing is how I want it to be. Now because me and Y/N aren't as we should be, all these annoying girls kept on flirting with me at school. It's pissing me off so much.

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