The Concerts...

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*A few weeks later, still touring the UK*

Well we are just over half way through the tour, and wow it has been amazing! Except from that cow Chloe. Oh how I hate her, nobody is going to be able to forgive that horrible girl. Total out come is over 30,000 bambino's have come and seen us and about 5,000 of them we met! It has been amazing seeing all our beautiful princesses, but Y/N will always be my number one!


The tour has been amazing except from the Chloe thing, I really can't face her again, and if I do, I am going to go so mental! Also I can see that it has got Leo's mind off of his cancer. The tour obviously! Not Chloe! I know he has these times when it hurts, and he can't reach the notes or finish the sentences during a rap, but wow, Leo has been so strong through this! And I will never put him down for not being able to get everything right.

Another down side, I have been putting on so much weight, and I am getting really worried, I keep on feeling sick. And I think I know what it is. I think I am pregnant. Yes. Pregnant. I'm fourteen, and Charlie Lenehan has got me pregnant. Don't get me wrong, I have always wanted a child, but not this early, I really do not know how Charlie is going to take this, but I don't think I am going to be able to handle it. Everything seems to be going wrong. Firstly breaking up with Leo, Leo having cancer, Chloe kissing Charlie, then me ending up pregnant. I really need to tell Charl, but I don't have the courage, maybe in the next week or so, well that is if he doesn't notice all the weight that I have been putting on. I need to get a pregnancy test, and I need to talk to Karen and mum about it. Wow I can tell definitely say that; Times going to be tough this year.

I sat on the double bed, thinking, when i got interrupted with a pair of hands wrapping around my now large waist. "Hey princess" Charl kissed my cheek. "Hey charl" I cracked a smile, linking my hands with his. "Hey beautiful are you ok? You don't seem yourself for the last couple of days, talk to me baby" Charlie spun me around so my eyes were facing his. "Hey Charl don't worry I am fine, just worry about yourself and yours and Leo's tour" I kissed his lips, and smiled. "Ok I love you Y/N" Charlie said, cutely. "I love you too Charlie" I smiled back at him, and he walked out the room, giving me a kiss and smile along the way.

Wow I really need to tell him.


*Just about to go on stage*

"Please welcome Bars and Melody!" Blair shouted through the microphone, as thousands of bambino's started screaming and chanting! "WE WANT BAM, WE WANT BAM!"

Just at that moment, the most painful shoot went through my stomach. I crouched down, my hands squeezing on my stomach. "Wow Leo are you ok buddy?" Charlie said, as he put his hand on my back. "No, I don't think so, the pain is getting so bad!" I scrunched my face up through all the pain that was being caused from my stupid cancer. "Do you think you will be able to come on stage?" Charlie asked, starting to get worried. I nodded my head. "I will try get through it, but I might need to come off, I don't know" I thought positive, and we walked onto the stage together, making everyone scream to volume one hundred. "Hi everyone! We are Bars and Melody!" We both said through the mic. "We love you" "I love you Leondre!" "Charlie your so perfect!" "Leo I want your body!" Everyone was shouting out. "So our first song we are going to sing is Shining Star! Are you all ok with that?" I said over all the voices, making everybody scream yes. "Ok then here we go!" Charlie said raising his hands up in the air, and the music started playing.

(Charlie- Italics, Leo-Bold)

Your my shining star,
I searched from near to far,
And all day long,
you were right here my baby!

Yo the girls from every nation,
Your loves not an award,
It's a motivation.
We are miles apart,
It breaks my heart,
This loves a journey about to start.
In the night you shine so bright,
Darkness falls you give me light.
I feel you close but your so far,
But baby girl you're like a star.
When we speak theres tears in my eyes,
When I'm lonely I look to the sky,
Like three men who were so wise.
But my love I see your eyes,
They're miles away, yeah so far,
Twinkle twinkle my little star,
I feel you near but your so far.
Baby girl your a shining star!

Your my shining star,
I searched from near to far,
And all day long,
you were right here my baby!
Your my superstar and girl you own my heart,
And when we're worlds apart,
I'll be right here baby!
Oh oh oh way oh
Oh oh oh way oh
Oh oh oh way oh
Your my shining star!

Se amo, my Italian bambino's,
I fell in love with ya when I first see ya,
Romanian girls, si iubesc,
You know princess you are the best,
..... My Polish Queen,
I really like girls who've never been seen,
Se amo, I stay on my knees,
For all you princesses if you're Portuguese.
Your killing me south with all your words,
I'm going crazy, my visions blurred,
To all my frenchies .....,
I love your voice,
I wanna hear it again!
I know you are in a land so far,
Baby girl your like a star,
German girls .......,
To be with you is my only wish!

Your my shining star,
I searched from near to far,
And all day long,
you were right here my baby!
Your my superstar and girl you own my heart,
And when we're worlds apart,
I'll be right here baby!
Oh oh oh way oh
Oh oh oh way
Oh oh oh way oh
Your my shining star!
There's no place in the world too far,
I'll always hold you here in my heart,
You're my light girl,
Your my shining star!
Your my shining star,
I searched from near to far,
And all day long you were,
Right here my baby!
You're my superstar and girl you own my heart,
And when we're worlds apart,
I'll be right here baby!
Oh oh oh way oh,
Oh oh oh way oh,
Oh oh oh way oh,
You're my shining star!
Shine a light it'll be ok oh,
Shine a light it'll be ok oh,
Shine a light it'll be ok oh,
Shine a light it'll be ok baby,
Shine a light it'll be ok baby,
Shine a light it'll be ok baby!
You're my shining star!

What does everyone think about Y/N might have a chance of being pregnant?

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