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- - - part two / four
- - - Kimmon's POV

Kimmon Varodoom was in love too.

Somewhere between the shy looks and blushing cheeks, I had realised that I had gone and fallen in love with Copter.

I immediately found myself wanting to be the reason for Copter's eyes lighting up.

I immediately found myself hoping that Copter's broad dimpled smiles were because of me.

I immediately found myself believing that the reason Copter was telling me more was because of how much he trusted and loved me.

But, of course, that couldn't be possible. Not for me at least.

No, if Copter was in love with someone he would pick someone far better than yours truly, someone who wasn't some clingy, possessive wolf. He would be in love with someone who was truly worthy of him and his love.

But now the question was who?

I was currently pondering on that thought when Bas entered the kitchen. I had been staring into my glass of water, brows furrowed, looking down at the rippled reflection that was myself.

"Oh, hey P'Kim."

I cursed, obviously startled, and almost smashed the glass but just in time I managed to grip it firmly.

"You okay? You're usually not up this late." Bas asked concerned.

"Huh, yeah, I'm good. Uh, I woke up thirsty." He grew a brooding look noticing how quickly I responded, "I'm good, really."

Bas nodded and went to grab the bag of crisps he had intended to. Next to him, I finished off my water and placed the glass carefully in the sink. We were both silent, waiting for one of us to talk first.

"...Could I ask you something?" I finally asked. Bas nodded opening the packet. "Thanks," I sighed and coaxed my hair out of my face. "I- um. Between us, I was wondering if Copgi ever mentioned anything about... liking someone?"

Bas tilted his head to the side. "Maybe he did, maybe he didn't. Why?"

"I'm just... curious," I answered, turning my focus back into the sink. "And I may have noticed that he's been acting a bit.. differently."

I glanced up briefly to see that Bas was struggling to hold back a smirk. There was a glint in his eyes and I wondered what that could possibly mean. He said nothing at first, munching on his crisps. "Well, as one of his best friends, I am sworn to secrecy." I sighed and nodded in understanding, ready to give my thanks. "BUT." Continued Bas. "Hypothetically, if Copter ever did happen to like someone, that person may or may not have black hair and funny jokes."

I perked up at that and gave Bas a curious look hoping he would explain further. Unfortunately he said nothing, only giving me a wink as he took another packet of crisps and left the kitchen, leaving me alone to my thoughts.

Black hair and funny jokes?

There was only one person I knew that aquired those clues and my first reaction was to reject the idea immediately. There was no way Copter would be in love with someone like him. It just didn't make any sense.

But the longer I mulled over it, standing beside the sink, alone in the kitchen, the more it made sense. Too much sense, actually.

Thinking back, there was only one person who stood out during the Christmas party.

There was one person that stood out during all those scenes and lunchbreaks.

There was one person that always came by when Copter was grumpy.

And though it was never talked about, I could only assume that those late night smiles were all because of that one person.

Tee Thanapon.

Unlike me, Tee was similar to perfection. He may seem annoying at first but deep down I knew it was because he loves to tease and make us all laugh. What I didn't expect was for Copter to love him when he knows that Tee is madly in love with Tae. Perhaps Copter fell in love with Tee because he was always caring and protective of those around him, looking out and checking up on everyone, being a good person.

Much like a certain dimpled boy that I loved.

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