Learning something mind blowing!!

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No PoV
The purple masked turtle came and took the orange masked turtle from (Y-N). "Th-Thank you!" The purple masked turtle said. "My name is Donatello you can call me Donnie!" He said, two more mutant turtles came over and helped, the turtle with a red mask took out the last of the droids then stopped over to (Y-N). "WHAT DID YOU DO TO MIKEY!!?" He screamed. "I-I didn't d-do any th-thing!" (Y-N) backed away. "Raph chill she helped Mikey, don't get all you did this you did that!!" Donnie tried to calm the red masked turtle down. The turtle wearing the red mask took 3 deep breaths and calmed down he then looked at me then said "Raphael call me Raph... and thanks for helping my little bro!" Then Donnie ran to a man whole and jumped down it with the turtle in the orange mask. A turtle in a blue mask walked up to      (Y-N) then asked "why aren't you running away!?" "Why would I you guys are soo cool! Mutant Ninja Turtles that is just.... WOW!!!!" (Y-N) couldn't stop smiling, the two turtles stood there in amazement! "Oh and my name is (Y-N) (L-N) you can call me (nickname)!" (Y-N) greeted. "Leonardo you can call me Leo!" The turtle in the blue mask said. "We'll see ya!" They both waved goodbye then jumped into a man whole.
Your PoV
'I hope that mutant turtle guy is ok' I thought to myself as I tried to catch up with mum. I finally found my mum, I stopped running then started to walk. We finished the shopping then went back home, I asked mum if I could go and pick up some Pizza! She said yes, so I left to get some pizza. I made it to a pizza place and the owner was a blind dude! I walked in to see the orange masked turtle eating some pizza. He turned around with pizza stuffed in his face! He froze and stared at me. I walked in slowly and sat down next to him silently! I broke the silence by asking "Soo you look a lot better then you did before!! You ok!?" He looked at me, finished the pizza he had in his mouth swallowed the pizza then spoke "Yeh I'm fine just hit my head a little no biggy!!" He replied with a smile. The blind dude walked in with a smile "you two have more in common than you think!" He said with a smirk. I looked at the turtle confused, he did the same. "My name is (Y-N)" I greeted "Mikey!" The turtle said. 'His baby blue eyes are soo damn cute!' I thought as we looked into each other's eyes. There was silence in the restaurant until the other turtles came in talking about a video game that they found in the bump while fighting off some of those droid things! They stopped straight after they saw me and Mikey watching them talk. "Well umm I guess I'll see you around! Umm can I please have 2 pizzas 1 with pepperoni and the other plain cheese!" I asked the blind man he nodded then pulled out 2 pizzas, and they were still HOT! He smirked then handed them to me "...thanks?!" I said with confusion in my tone. "He works that way you'll get used to it sooner or later!" Mikey whispered in my ear I blushed a little since he was so close. He moved away and I walked out turning around to and waving goodbye! I started to walk home until a droid thing jumped out and tackled me down to the ground I screamed but no one heard me I screamed and screamed and still no one! More droids came and piled on top of me I screamed one more time and again nothing I tried to move but I couldn't! I stopped and excepted my fate! Until my eyes opened and started to glow bright white! I screamed and all of the droids flew off of me my feet left the ground I was floating!! More droids came at me all of a sudden a bright glowing white light streamed out of my hands shooting at the droids killing them!!
No PoV
Mikey and the others were heading to a man whole when they saw a Kraang droid flying and smashing into a wall. They ran over to see what was going on they froze as they saw (Y-N) floating in mid air fighting off the Kraang, once the Kraang were gone she was still glowing! she heard the turtles and turned around she lifted her hand and shot the wall next to Donnie! "(Y-N)!?" Mikey said with fear in his eyes. (Y-N) lowered her hand and fell to the ground and stopped glowing! She lifted her head a little then passed out, Mikey ran over and picked her up and took her to the liar he sat (Y-N) down on the couch master splinter walked in "what is this HUMAN doing in the lair!!" He shouted at the brothers, Donnie walked up to splinter "she doesn't seem to be very 'HUMAN'!!" He said, splinter stood there confused. Mikey took a turn to say something "she took out a whole army of Kraang droids and she can GLOW!!" Splinter looked at (Y-N) then looked back at the brothers he was about to say something but April and Casey walked in, they looked at everybody "Hey! Who Passed out!?" Casey asked, the turtles looked at (Y-N) the two walked closer to the couch and looked at her. "What happened!?" April asked. "She took out a whole army of Kraang droids!" Mikey said. April and Casey looked at each other confused "we don't know what happened to her but I think I can do some research on her!" Donnie suggested. Splinter looked at them rolled his eyes and left to the dojo. Mikey picked up (Y-N) and walked to Donnie's lab, he placed (Y-N) on the table of the lab Donnie and April walked in and started with the research!
Mikey's PoV
It seemed like a life time since Donnie and April went to do research on (Y-N). (Y-N) walked out of the lab with Donnie and April behind. I ran over to see the results! "So what happened D" I asked. "Well (Y-N) is psychic like April!" Donnie answered. Every one gasped! "But She has 4 different types of DNA!" Donnie said. "What are they?!" Leo asked. "The first is regular human DNA then it's Kraang, Mutagin and Well something else but I don't know what it is!!" Me my bros and Casey's jaws fell to the ground! (Y-N) looked down to the floor ashamed. "That is soo.... COOL DUDETTE!! I ran over to (Y-N) and squeezed her! Every one was confused then smirked. (Y-N) blushed, I saw everyone smirking than I quickly dropped (Y-N) on her feet then blushed in embarrassment!

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