Chapter Two

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The mug clattered to the bar and a five dollar bill was slapped down next to it. "I'm on my way over." Emma says hastily as she hangs up and darts out of the restaurant. Feeling the crisp, cold air against her now warm skin made her almost want to retreat back inside, but she jumped in her car anyway. Sliding the key into the ignition, she pulled out onto the road and towards the mayors mansion.

As her breathing hitched due to the realization that her son was missing, (and possibly the cold as well,) Emma began to think about the worst possible situations that could have occurred.

Before she new it, she was at the inclined doorstep of Regina's mansion, knocking quickly to have the door instantly swing open. Warm air fanned Emma's face and she shifted lightly in her overcoat.

"What happened?" She asks the brunette. Regina's eyes were wide with worry and the vein in her head seemed to be pushing slightly outwards, probably due to stress.

"I don't know!" she exclaimed, throwing her hands up dramatically. "I put him down to bed last night and this morning he wasn't there." Little puffs of steam slid out of her mouth with her uneven breathing. She shivered lightly and stepped beside the door. "Come in." she said firmly.
Emma walked in and examined the room for any clues. The door gently shut behind her. Turning around to look at the much disliked mayor, she swayed uncomfortably on the tiled floor, realizing that a certain someone is absent.

"Um, Mayor Mills..." the uncomfortable blonde says slowly, avoiding eye contact. Regina raises her eyebrows in question.

"What is it?" she asks whilst crossing her arms over her chest.

"Where's Graham? Why didn't you call him?" she finishes nervously. The mayor looks away and purses her lips.

"Honestly, Ms. Swan." she says sternly. "Does it really matter that your crush isn't here?" Regina ask, anger and sarcasm rising in her voice. Emma's mouth parts slightly at the woman's statement.

"That's not what i-" she begins, her voice rising, but is interrupted by a disturbed Regina.

"We had a short fallout." Regina says with almost no emotion. She turns and makes eye contact with the confused blonde. "It doesn't matter though." Emma nods reluctantly and begins to walk towards the stairs.

"Did he have any plans today?" She asks, bringing the subject back to their missing son. Looking up the stairwell and back at the elegant woman following closely behind her, she waits for a response.

"I don't know!" Regina says in a huff as she pushes past Emma, walking up the stairs in haste. "Ever since you showed up, he refuses to tell me anything!" Emma glared at the back of the strutting woman above her. Following her after a moments pause. Emma muttered a rude comment under her breath.

"So this is my fault now?" she questions angrily, but the anger is soon joined with worry. A growing fear rises in the deputy's chest, for all she knew, her son could be lost and alone in this freezing weather and all the woman in front of her cared about was accusations. The mayor ignored her comment and walked into Henrys room. Following closely behind Regina, Emma enters the room and examines things for any sign or clue. The bed was unmade, and pillows were strewn across the floor.
After slowly making her way around to the other side of the bed, a gasp escaped Regina's lips when she spotted the fallen lamp on the ground. Emma darted around and examined it as well, her eyebrows creased together with worry. The two women locked eyes, green on brown, and a silent understanding passed through them. Henry hadn't ran away on his own, oh no, what happened was far worse.

He had been kidnapped.

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