Chapter Eighteen

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Well my day went from hella goody to hella moody. I'm sorry if that didn't make sense but it's true. I woke up to Regina freaking Mills showering me in kisses and practically begging for me during sex to her bawling her gorgeous eyes out and expressing how selfish she thought she was. Selfish? Not in my opinion that's for sure. So here I am now, sitting on our bed, my old song journal and pencil in my lap, writing my Queen a melody. Regina was downstairs making supper for the family. Her, Henry and myself. I'm so in love. Not just with Regina and Henry but with the small dream family that we made. It is literally my perfect happy ending. Now I just have to figure out how to make it last forever.

I scribbled in my journal on the side of my paper. Why did Regina think everything was her fault? How did she not realize how perfect she was? Sure, she's had her difficulties and done some bad things, but haven't we all? The idea popped into my brain and I started writing before I even processed it. I hummed along to myself as I created the tune. Grabbing my guitar from the bedside, I strummed some cords, experimenting different ways to play the song. I couldn't figure out how on Earth my guitar had shown up. I hadn't seen it since I was 18 years old. I thought back to when the only teacher I ever liked, Mrs. Callahan, gave it to me for my birthday, one of the few I ever celebrated. She was my music teacher and had noticed my talent for singing in class. When she gave me the guitar as a present and instructed me on how to play it, I never put it down.

Time flew by and before I knew it, Regina was calling Henry and I downstairs for dinner. I continued working. Sure, I was going to get it for not arriving to supper on time, but when I was on a roll with my writing, I don't stop until I'm satisfied. I hadn't noticed it had been half an hour since Regina summoned me until I looked at the clock and it read "9:30". I closed my journal, propped my elbow on my guitar, rested my head on my hand and sighed.

"Oh don't stop for me Dear." I jumped at the voice and looked up to the doorway, finding the sexy woman herself standing there, hand resting on her hip. She took a few steps into the room, never breaking our eye contact. I swallowed as she made her way to her side of the bed and crawled onto it, laying next to me. I placed my guitar back on the wall and the leather journal on the nightstand. As I was leaning back against the bed frame, she snuggled into my side and closed her eyes, sighing with content. My eyebrows raised in suspicion but I didn't protest, I only wrapped my arms around her and pulled her closer.

"Sorry I didn't make it down for dinner. I just got a little carried away, that's all." She remained quiet. Then mumbled out an

"okay." I placed my chin on the top of her head and closed my eyes as well.

"Are you tired?" I ask.

"No." I smiled and lifted my head up to meet her eyes.

"Let's watch a movie!" I exclaimed.

"I'd see myself picking flowers with Snow White first." I laughed at her reply and she glared at me.


"Because movies make absolutely no sense. There's always a happy ending in the end for the main two, but never for the villain." I frowned.

"Are you referring to yourself as the villain?" she pursed her lips and thought a moment.

"Possibly..." I sat us up and took her hands in mine.

"Well look at it this way: Me and you equals a happy ending, the end." She smiled and nodded so I sprung up, dragging her with me. I spun her around and kissed her before jogging into the upstairs living room, leaving her laughter behind while I selected a movie.

"Is Henry already in bed?" I asked her as she strutted into the room.

"Yes, dear." She replied. I smirked down at my movies in hand.



"Great actually." I turned around and locked eyes with her.

"Oh? And why would that be?" I made a swift movement and pushed her against the couch pinning my arms on either side of her head and pressing my lips to her ear.

"Because it means we are allowed to make a little noise?" I whisper as I trace the shell of her ear with my tongue. She moans softly and a mischievous smile spread across my lips. She tangled her fingers in my hair and kissed me.

"I do believe that you declared we watch a movie?" I smiled into the kiss and pulled away, walking back over and picking up two movies.

"Ah, yes. I did declare that didn't I?" I held up the two movies for Regina to choose. "Which one?" She pointed to my left hand which held the movie, 'Pitch Perfect'. I smiled and placed it in the DVD player, pressing play and sitting on the couch next to her.

She laid out on the couch and placed her head in my lap, staring up into my eyes lovingly. I absently twirled a strange of her soft dark hair around my finger and stared back, a small smile playing at my lips. She was the first to break the silence.

"I love you." Her silky voice said and I traced her cheek with my thumb and smiled.

"That's a relief." False exasperation covered my face and she laughed lightly.

"I love you too?" Her lips thinned into a fake frown. I smiled and leaned down to kiss her, which I did.

"More than anything in the world."

Sorry this chapter is kind of short but I've been super busy with finals and stuff...I'm on winter break now though so y'all can all expect more updates from me soon! 4.8k reads?! Holy Macaroni you guys, thank you all so much!
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

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