Chapter Six

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Ouch. That's pretty much the only word I've got for how I was feeling. My head felt like it had been hit by a bus, stomped on by a herd of elephants and then dunked deep underwater. My throat stung from thirst and the metallic taste of blood hovered on my lips. Overall, my legs felt like jelly, I couldn't think straight, and the only comfort I had was Regina Mills, sexy bitch extrodinare. Every single time that woman touched me or looked me in the eyes, I felt my heart warm up and a spark ignite between us. I wonder if she feels the same. When ever she took my arm and draped it over her shoulder, then wrapped the other arm around my waist, I felt practically useless. Watching her struggle was torture for me and I hated every second of it. Who was it that had made us so miserable? I couldn't tell from the short glimpse I got of him, but I knew now for a fact that he had Henry.

All I heard was Regina's unsteady breathing and the heavy stomps of my boots on the ground every time I managed to take a few steps.  I couldn't take it anymore. It was probably around 1 in the morning and here we were stumbling around in the pitch black forest towards who-knows-where.

"Madame Mayor." I manage to cough out. She stops abruptly and attempts to catch her breath. "We-We need to stop." A dry cough comes out of my throat and I swallow while my head droops forward. My blonde locks roll over my shoulders and hang below. I hold onto Regina's waist a little tighter so I wouldn't face plant right there.

"My son is out there with some maniac and you want to stop?" she scolds.

"Our son, Regina." I correct softly, knowing how stressed she probably was right now. "Our son is out there with a maniac and yes, I do want to-" I pause for a second as another cough stings my throat. "I do want to stop. What good will we be half dead?" She hesitates for a moment, probably realizing that I'm right, then leads us over to a large rock that slants slightly backwards, like the back of a seat. We both collapse down against it and I lean my head back and close my eyes, how tired I was slapped me in the face at that moment and it took all my will power to open my eyes and say something that had been drifting on the edge of my thoughts to the gorgeous, yet beat up woman next to me.

"Why are you helping me?" I look over to see her already looking at me with her beautiful brown eyes. The dried blood on the side of her head disturbs me but I shake off the worry and wait for an answer. She swallows, her perfect, red, lips slightly parted, and I suddenly have all the desire in the world to lean forward and kiss them. Her eyes hover over my lips and then my nose and back to my eyes. I lick my lips lightly as she responds.

"Why do you think, Miss Swan?" she mutters as she looks away. A confused frown forms on my face and only then I realize how much I had been leaning in and so I pull back slowly.

"I don't know." I mutter. I feel her gaze on me again, then her soft hand on the side of my face, turning me towards her lightly. I turn my head and feel the most lucious lips of all the world pressed lightly against mine. Usually, I would totally pull back if a girl just kissed me, but with Regina Mills, there was no pulling back. I lean forward a bit more and kissed her passionatley, placing a hand on her lower thigh and the other on her warm cheek. I feel her lips part slightly and I bite down on her lower one, taking in her amazing taste of apples and something that was naturally just...Regina. She pulled back slightly and connected our foreheads as we shared steamy breaths.

"Because I'm in love with you." she whispers. I'm pretty sure that at that very moment, my heart did 10 back flips and all my walls came crashing down around it. All the times she had threatened me or insulted me had made me desire her more. Every time I saw her, a spark would light up my heart and goosebumps would rise on my skin and my breathing would become a bit faster. It was in that moment that I realized I was madly in love with the uptight mayor of Storybrooke, Maine and my sons adoptive mother.

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