Chapter Fifteen

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Well I'm a lot more straight forward than I past suspected. Yikes. It was bad enough I had already fallen in love with Emma Swan, but making us a dream home after two days? That was crossing the line. I watched in awe as our house sat in front of us in the bright green meadows and tree line; it was absolutely stunning. Although it over whelmed me with happiness, a small fracture cracked my heart when I realized it looked a lot like my old farm I took residents on with my mother and father. Both dead or gone and all because of me.

I watched as Henry darted off towards the house, causing Emma and I to chuckle. I bet Emma wanted to do the same. As if she read my mind, she spoke up then.

"I'm a full grown women..." I let loose a laugh at that and she smiled as well and the perfect glint of sunlight on her golden hair and bright eyes made her look like the most beautiful creature ever created. It took me a few seconds to realize her expression had gone from silly to amused at the fact that I had been staring at her, a no-doubt goofy grin plastered on my face. I looked down and cleared my throat, taking a particular interest in my ankle.

"You're amazing." I heard a gentle voice say. I glanced up and locked eyes with the blonde who was looking at me in awe, her head tilted to the side like a cute puppy. I hadn't been called amazing in a very long time. So of course you could leave it to me to answer with a completely off-the-topic reply.

"What do you see in me?" She smiled even more, as if she had seen the question coming. she stepped in front of me so we were face to face and took my hands in hers.

"The most perfect angel in the world." I couldn't stop myself from grinning like an idiot.

"You're such a romantic, Swan." I mumbled and leaned in before she could open her clever mouth again. Her lips tasted like cinnamon. We pulled back and connected foreheads.

"I love you." she says and my heart basically melts.

"I love you too, Emma." Her eyes light up. "I really, truly do."

Have you ever stepped into your favorite store and saw all the amazing stuff that made you grin just from looking at it? Multiply that times a million and you'll know how it feels walking into your dream house. The ceiling went up at least 15 feet in the entry away alone. Picture frames lined the walls of Emma, Henry and I. One portrayed me holding baby Henry, a soft smile on both our lips. Another showed Emma and I together in each others arms the night we first kissed. Our faces were battered and bruised and even in our sleep we had worry lines creasing our foreheads. I suppose magic has its ways of getting images no one took. Another showed all three of us in the hospital room, me kissing Emma and Henry smiling in the back, our hair pushed lightly up from the gust of magical wind. All the images were captured perfectly. I traced the edge of the picture frame with my fingers, then continued walking. The first glass double doors we came to were on the right. Looking through, I saw that they led into a office containing a computer, desk, book shelf and all. A few feet down from there led into a huge granite and marble kitchen with an awesome oven and stove and giant silver refrigerator. We continued walking through the kitchen to find the dining room that contained a giant wooden table and beautiful, huge wooden chairs. It was all so fascinating. I saw the stairs and followed Emma up them. Immediately when we arrived on the second story, a giant living room took up a huge space. A massive flat screen TV lined the wall, so I basically felt like I was in a movie theatre. Giant brown leather couches filled the room and vintage pictures of Storybooke, some quite large and others small took up the walls.

"Oh yes." I heard the women behind me say. This room was probably one of her happy thoughts. At the opposite end of the room was a hallway. We walked down it to find three bedrooms and a bathroom. The first room was Henrys'. It matched his personality perfectly; and across the hall was what appeared to be his bathroom. The second was a guest room (like we'd have any guest), and at the end of the hallway was another bedroom which I assumed was Emma and I's. Now that I could get used to. I pushed the door open, Emma right behind me, and stepped inside. A giant, king-sized bed, covered with a white, fluffy comforter was littered with at least ten deep red pillows and sat at the opposite side of the room. Above the bed frame on the wall was vinyl, cursive, black writing that read "happy endings exists." A night stand with a lamp and alarm clock sat to the left and on the right wall was a 20-foot long glass window covered by red curtains that matched the pillows. Two dressers were placed against the left wall and a wardrobe. Next to that was a door that led into a walk-in closet filled with all sorts of clothes, some my style and some Emma's. I walked back out and went into the door next to that which led into a king-sized bathroom, leaving Emma in the closet. I didn't know she was that into clothes. The bathroom had a huge glass walled tub and a stone shower next to it. Across from those on the right wall were the 2 sinks and mirrors. I crossed my arms and shook my head. This. Was. Perfect. I walked back out and sat on the edge of the plush bed.

"Emma?" I called to the closet. No response. I stood and walked to the door, leaning against the frame when I saw her bent down by something.

"Emma? Are you alright?" She relaxed and looked at me over her shoulder, misty eyed. A lump formed in my throat when she turned back to whatever she was looking at and picked it up off the ground.

"Yea. Its old guitar. A friend of mine gave it to me a long time ago." She smiles lightly. I stare down at the light brown and tan guitar in her hands. It didn't have a scratch on it and looked really...nice.

"I didn't know you played an instrument." I take a step forward to her. "And I'm assuming you can sing too?" I ask in a daring tone. She rubs the back of her neck and it makes her bicep look unbelievably amazing.

"Well..." she looks down and bites her lip. She stops all motions for a moment then looks up at me sheepishly. "I'll let you decide." My eyebrows raise in question. Was she going to sing to me? She grabbed my hand with her left and the guitar in her right and walked us out of the closet and to the bed. I sat down on the edge while she got a wooden chair from the desk and sat across from me. I closed my gaping mouth. She was. I watched as she cleared her throat and thought for a minute. "I'm a little rusty, so, don't be too harsh about my skill." I smiled and shook my head. She began strumming the guitar to a sweet rhythm.

"I don't know but, I think I may be fallin' for you. Dropping so quickly..."

She paused and winked at me before she continued to strum.

"Maybe I should keep this to myself, 

Waiting 'til I know you better

I am trying, not to tell you
But I want to,
I'm scared of what you'll say
And so I'm hiding what I'm feeling

But I'm tired of holding this inside my headI've been spending all my time
Just thinking about ya
I don't know what to do
I think I'm fallin' for you
I've been waiting all my life
And now I found ya
I don't know what to do
I think I'm fallin' for you
I'm fallin' for you.."

She chuckled under her breath and shifted in her seat. My heart was beating so hard. She sounded wonderful.

"As I'm standing here
And you hold my hand
Pull me towards you
And we start to dance

All around us
I see nobody
Here in silence-"
She paused her singing and strummed a few more times as she looked at the wall blankly. "I can't remember the rest." She confessed.

 I throw my arms around her neck and kiss her deeply. Her soft lips felt so good. She was so precious to me. 

"It was beautiful and amazing and" I smiled.

"Well..." she grins a goofy grin and kisses me again. "I should sing songs for you more often."

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