Chapter Four

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I have to be honest, I was scared out of my skin when I saw the knife. Hell, I'm scared to death now! I would probably reveal it more, but I feel like Regina is trying to stay calm because I am; yeah, I really do NOT want an angry, uptight mayor up my ass the whole time I try to find my stolen son.

We made our way to my car and got in it in silence. Getting the key out of my pocket and sliding it into the ignition was the beginning of it all. I saw a movement out of the corner of my eye and turned my head to see Regina with her arms wrapped around herself in a tight hug. Sadly, it had taken me that long to realize that the poor woman was probably freezing.

"Oh geez, Regina I'm sorry." I mumble as I take off my overcoat and hand it to her.

"Miss Swan, I really dont-" she starts as she scowls at the coat with an arrogant face.

"Its okay, Madame Mayor, just take it." I cut in, refusing to let her deny me and die of hypothermia before we can even get to Henry.

Reaching over the seat and into the back, I pull out my favorite red, leather jacket and slide it on, feeling the cold leather against my heated skin. I turn on the heater and start out onto the road, heading straight for the woods. 'How did she know to go to the woods?' You might ask. Well I'll put it this way, when you see the engraving of a major hunting company and words that say "Ima hunter", I think you would get a pretty good idea of where you needed to be.

"Miss Sw-"

"Emma." I interrupt her.

"Exscuse me?" she fires back with a raised eyebrow and cocked head.

"My name is Emma, I think you can call me by actual my name." sarcasm drips in my voice and causes Regina to hesitate a moment. She huffs in exasperation and continues.

"Fine, Emma..." she spits out the name like its some rotten banana, "Why are we going to the woods?" I reach in my pocket and pull out the knife, not breaking eye contact with the road ahead of me. Offering it to her by holding the blade and allowing her to grip the handle, I take a right turn, signaling that I'm almost to the forest edge.

"Why don't you take a look at it and tell me if you've got any better ideas." I flatly say and place my hand back on the wheel when she takes it away. I wait while she examines the weapon and places it on the dashboard in front of me without a word, basically saying that she isn't disagreeing.

Another 5 minutes of suspencful silence later, we arrived at the forest tree line and got out of the car quickly. I really didn't know what the plan was and was pretty much just relying on my instincts. So in other words, we were probably going to die. I tugged at my jacket for a second and looked over at an angry and determined and beautiful Regina Mills. Lord help me with this woman and my conflicted feelings for her. I gave her a quick nod, feeling a new surge of adrenaline and began walking into the woods. About half a mile of awkward silence and flinching at every bird tweet later was the first clue. I brushed my fingers over the mud that formed a large bootprint on the thick tree and found it still wet, meaning it was defiantly recent. Why the heck was it halfway up a tree trunk? The most plausible reason was probably that the kidnapper was straining against my rebellious son and kicked off the tree to hold him still. I turned around to tell Regina, whom had been closely following me the whole way, my news, but I jumped out of my skin when I saw her unconscious body on the mossy ground.

"Regina!" I whisper-scream as I bend down to check her pulse. That's when I noticed the dark, red, sticky blood on the side of her face and the long red mark that was imprinted next to it. It seemed like my heart had stopped beating.

"I would give you a more proper welcome." A muffled male voice says from behind me. I jerk my head around to find a tall, muscular male figure standing behind me with a night stick. His nose and mouth were shrouded by a black cloth and his eyes were covered with aviators. I stared in fear, not being able to move my legs. "But you just came in so rudely." he finishes and rears back his arm and the last thing I see is the night stick connecting with the side of my head and everything going black.

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