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A lone white blob of mist that looks like a cloud floated in the dark abyss.

You can see that as time passed by the blob began to grew smaller and smaller.

Suddenly, an golden bubble came out of nowhere and trapped the soul inside it. Before disappearing.

That blob of white was a soul.

A mysterious man held the golden bubble in his hand and looked at it. He sighed.

"89" his deep voice called out

"Y-Yes master" the System 89 appeared.

"Take Cordilia and train her to grow stronger. Keep her out of those people's radar" the mysterious man said

"But sir.... My Host lost her memories. If we are to teansmigrate from one world to another... Host has a tendency to go out of the script" System 89 said

"Change your identity. Although her memories are lost, I am still able to restore her common sense and some instincts. She still has parts of it but regarding to people, she won't remember at all"

"Master... If I were to change my identity... What...."

"From now on, you and your host will destroy one world after another. Cut off the power source little by little and leave the world before you are found out"

"Yes master"

"From now on... You are [System 101: Destroy the World System]"

"..... Hmm" Cordilia opened her eyes to see that everything is white.

"Where am I...... What am I doing here..... Who.. Am I?" she slowly sat up

[Host, you are awake] a voice said.

Cordilia was alert immediately hearing someone is with her but she was unable to see who it was.

Then a game interface appeared in front of her.

[Host may feel that you don't know who you are but do not worry. I know you. As to why you don't remember, simple, you have been punished because of your failure.] the system said as the things were written on the interface in arial narrow font with the font size of 18.

"Then tell me... Who am I"

[Your name is Cordilia Jade. You are my Host. I am called System 101, otherwise known as Destroy the World System]

'System 101? You trying to make me laugh? You should name yourself "How to destroy the World 101"'  Cordilia rolled her eyes before she listened to the system

[We will continue on your mission. You know already about what we will do right?] and the system asked

Cordilia had information registered on her brain about Systems and whatnot.


System I Want RevengeWhere stories live. Discover now