Arc 1 Chapter 3

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"I know you don't like me. It's obvious. A streat rat crawled it's damn filthy self inside a beautiful area filled with peacocks. That's your first impression of me, is it not? You are cautios because I may be a planted spy and a gold digger. I bet you are even doubting if I am blind or not" Cordilia stated coolly.

'Here she goes again. Go smack that arrogant Male Lead's face!'

'System...make my eyes bleed' Cordilia commanded


'Do it' Cordilia said with a more firm and stern voice

[Host....] the system hesitated but did so, Cordilia always knows what she's doing.

Everyone, "....." 'Is it really okay to say it out loud?'

Blood began seeping from the bandage, dying it red, everyone was alarmed but Cordilia ripped off the bandage, her eyes that was pale lavender was bloodshot and bleeding. It was an unsightly sight. Unpleasant and gory.

"Do not worry, I am going to return everything to you. As a matter of fact, I am planning to leave tonight." Cordilia stood up

"I was brought here without my consent. But I did not protest because I am powerless. What's the point of fighting when I can't even see? You're welcome to kill me if you find me suspicious. I don't care. There is nothing left for me in this world so I don't fear death. Tarnish me and soil me all you want. I am dirty to begin with and I fear I will dirty your eyes for being in the same room such as myself" Cordilia said calmly with a smile on her face

But it was even scary to look at when her eyes continue to drip blood.

"Xian Er, ah! Calm down. Quickly now, what are you talking about. Mother is willing to take you in" Madame Jin said as she hurriedly wiped the blood gently, shooting a glare at her Eldest Son.

"What are you all waiting for? Call the Family Doctor now!" Madame Jin anxiously yelled

"......will she be alright?" Jin Kun asked, quite worried.

Though they already lost their appetite.

"She'll be fine. Ming'er, do you know your wrongs?" Father Jin asked in a stern tone.

"Father, how could I be wrong? A girl who can speak such words at such young age could be trusted? I don't think so" Jin Xuan Ming said, he was not letting go of this matter

"...... Ming'er.... If I pluck out your eyes, strip you off your rights and money as well as connection and throw you in the slums... What will you become? You are smart my boy, think it through" Father Jin said, the other boys frowned at the words of their father, still could not understand as to why he would say such a thing.

"I have done investigations upon her as soon as they reported about your mother taking on a blind beggar girl" Father Jin said

"Is she clear?" Jin Ling Hua asked curiously

"Name: Xiao, an escapee from an orphanage that was controlled by the Black Market, they collect children to raise them to be their underlings or take out their organs to sell. The girl avoid contact to everyone and always by herself. She is smart and quick witted. Nobody actually know that she was blind, so it came out a surprise to them, but then the girl has many enemies and it is possible for them to act against her." Father Jin said

"Ah... No wonder she is... Tense and stuff" Jin Huang Er said

"That aside, Mother literally kidnapped her so she would have her guard against us. It is to be expected" Jin Ling said while leaning on the chair

"Just leave her be, brother. At the very least we won't have mother jumping at us randomly to try out the new clothing she bought from the mall" Ling Hua patted his elder brother Long Xuan Ming in the shoulder with a smile on his face

"Fine whatever" Ling Xuan Ming rolled his eyes before the Doctor finally came out.

"Mr Jin, the girl is fine. The bleeding was just an open wound in her eyes that has yet to heal and it was infected, it would be difficult for Miss Jin to see even if she would undergo an operation. She must not be stressed to trigger internal bleeding, if it happen the blood would damage her eyes and it would even enter her brain, it will be dangerous by then." The Doctor said, the others nodded and Father Jin opened the door to find Madame Jin talking to Jin Xian Er

Madame Jin seemed to enjoy it.

"It's fine sweetheart. Mother will make you see the world again" Madame Jin said, Jin Xian Er only smiled

"Ah.... Mother does not need to worry, I do not want to see the world in the first place...its troublesome." Cordilia smiled and patted Madame Jin's cheek

"Besides, I am able to see more clearly this way." Cordilia said mysteriously, this sentence made Madame Jin confused

"But still" Madame Jin sighed before she nodded

'It's for the best if you are unable to see. People will not go against you nor would they seek trouble with you' Madame Jin thought with a sad smiled as she stroke the girl's head and tucked her to bed

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