The Cat and the Dog

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"This is useless!" you nearly screamed as you threw papers across your hotel room. It had been a week since you had arrived, and you were making no progress on contacting Ladybug and Chat Noir. You had written out multiple plans, observed many people, and searched for the heroes on the rooftops. It all resulted to nothing. "I don't even have the slightest guess on who one of them could be," you said with frustration.

"If they were easy to pick out, then their identities would already be known to the public," Aubie pointed out. You looked around the room at the scattered papers. The research contained within the scattered mess was useless. You felt as if you were constantly taking one step forward and ten steps back.

"What do I do, Aubie?" you asked, feeling slightly defeated. There was a long pause of silence. You looked at Aubie, and her eyes said it all; you knew what she was thinking. "No way!" your voice breaks the silence.

"It's the only idea that I have! Chat Noir and Ladybug only appear when the city is in danger," Aubie says to you.

"Exactly! I can't just go up to them during a fight and talk to them. I can't be like 'Hi, I know you're busy fighting evil and all, but can I talk to you about something very important right now?' Ya, no. That's not gonna work," you said to Aubie. You flopped down on your hotel bed with defeat. "There has to be another way."

"Y/N, fight with them. You have more power than you realize. For years you've been using your powers to search for answers, and your search has brought you here. I don't think that's a coincidence. Use your powers to fight evil and save people," Aubie said with her peppy attitude. You remained on the bed, silent and deep in thought. You had wondered for years why you were chosen. You've told yourself over and over that it was an accident, but Aubie always corrected you. Maybe she was right. Maybe this was why you were chosen.

You took in a deep breath and let it out. "Fine! I'll give it a shot, but only because I need to make contact with them. I'm not cut out to be a full-time hero," you said. Before Aubie can say anything, the hotel shakes. You are thrown from the bed and onto the carpet. "What the heck was that?!" You and Aubie rush to the window and throw open the curtains.

You open the window just as a booming voice speaks out, "People of Paris, bow down to the Quaker!"

"The Quaker? Seriously?" You sighed.

"Y/N, this is your chance! Get out there!" Aubie said with excitement. Despite her encouragement, you didn't move. Thoughts were rushing through your head. Your mind and body are once again fighting. "You don't need to be nervous. You've got this," Aubie continues.

"Aubie, wraps on," you said in a low voice. It's only seconds before you're transformed and jumping out the window.

Chat Noir and Ladybug are already chasing the Quaker by the time you're on the streets. To your relief, they don't see you. You ran after them, still keeping distance between you and the heroes. "Think, Y/N. Think!" you said aloud. You had absolutely no idea what you were doing. You watched as Chat Noir and Ladybug struggled to get near Quaker. Chat Noir was jumping through the air, trying to stay off the ground the Quaker would break. Ladybug used her yo-yo to swing close to him, but he'd always cause the ground to shoot up in her path. As long as he could see them, he could stop their advances. You even struggled yourself to stay balanced. The shakes were less violent where you were standing, but they were still effective. Ladybug and Chat Noir tried their best to surprise the Quaker, but the constant shakes and breaking ground made it difficult for them to move. "You have to do something!" Now you're practically yelling at yourself. You looked at your Egyptian staff. An idea came to your mind: you needed to use your secret power. You hesitated for a second. You had never used your secret power on a person before. It shouldn't kill them, but what if it did? Something deep down told you that it was all going to be ok. Maybe it was Aubie.

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