Ice cream

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"Ice cream. Ice cream. Where art thou ice cream?" you mumbled to yourself. You keep glancing from your phone to the streets around you and back to your phone. "According to my phone, it should be around here, but I don't see any sign of it." You looked all around you, but you couldn't decide which way to go. "I just want ice cream!" 

You took a couple laps around the block, but you were still as lost as ever. The people around you all looked too busy to help you out. Once again, you pulled out your phone for maps. Frustration started to fill your body. To be honest, it was mostly your hungriness taking over. Your frustration caused you to be forgetful of the things happening around you. You started to walk across the street just as a car quickly turned the corner. Unfortunately, you only noticed the car when it started honking at you, coming closer and closer, too close for you to move out of the way. You were about to brace yourself for the impact when you suddenly felt arms wrap around you and launch you forward. Before you could process anything, your world went black.

Your eyes blinked open and painfully adjusted to the light. You slowly placed your hand on your head, the source of your pain. You immediately noticed the clean bandages wrapped around your head. You looked around to take in your surroundings. You noticed computers, couches, TVs, a bed, CDs, games, and other things. It looked like a boy's dream room. You tried to sit up, but the throbbing pain in your head caused you to fall back down on the couch. 

It didn't take long for a boy to walk through the door. He stopped immediately as soon as he saw you move. "Oh, you're awake!" he said as he swiftly moved toward you. You tried to get up once more, but he got to you before you could make it off the couch. "Hold up! You're not ready to move yet. Your head took a nasty hit." 

"Where am I? Who are you? What happened?" you rambled the questions off as your mind tried to climb out of the haze.

You expected an immediate response, but the boy started laughing instead. "You're a curious one, aren't you? I guess I can't blame you. I'm not sure how much you can take right now, so I'll make things simple," he said with a smile. "I'm Adrien Agreste, and you're in my room. I took you here to get you treated after you hit your head on the cement." 

"Wait, I remember the car. What exactly happened with the car?"

He paused before his next words, rubbing his neck. You could tell that he was starting to feel awkward. "Well, good news is that you didn't get hit by the car because I pushed you out of the way. Bad news is that I sort of tackled you straight into the ground, and you hit your head. Don't worry! The injuries are minor!"

Now it was your turn to laugh. The situation seemed a little too ridiculous to be real, yet here you were living it. Anything seemed to be possible in your life. After awhile, Adrien joined you. "I'm sorry! I shouldn't be laughing! I'm just processing this all," you said once your laughing died down. You took a moment to look over the boy. His blond hair and green eyes were radiate and friendly. You could feel at ease around him. 

You didn't notice that silence had fallen upon the room. "Uh... can I get you anything at all?" he finally asked to break the silence. You were about to refuse when your stomach rumbled. A smiles came upon his face again. "Ah, you're hungry! What can I get you?"

"Oh, don't worry about it! I'm okay."

"Please allow me to get you food. It's the least I can do."

"You've already done so much. I don't want to bother you."

"Nonsense! It's no problem at all. Now, what do you want? Almost anything is possible to get."

You only took a moment to decide what you wanted. "Can I have ice cream?"

Adrien looked at you with shock spreading across his face. "Just ice cream?" he asked. You nodded with a smile. "Ok, sure! What flavor?"

"Any! I'm just craving ice cream!"

A small smirk appeared on Adrien's face. "Ok, any flavor!" he said before rushing out the door. He retured with a bowl of green ice cream. "Here is your 'any flavor' ice cream." He handed it to you with a huge grin. You stared at it.

"What is it?" you asked.

Adrien laughed before he answered you. "Honestly, I don't know. I told the chef to give me a random flavor." You looked at him for a second. Who was this boy, and why did he have a chef in his home? "I also drizzled chocolate syrup on it!" he exclaims. 

"Well, ice cream is ice cream," you said before you shoved a spoonful of the unknown flavor in your mouth. Adrien waited for a response. A mint flavor with chocolate covers your tongue, followed by a second flavor that is harder to identify. You take another spoonful to try and figure it out. "Is that basil I taste?" you asked, but Adrien just shrugged. "I think this is mint basil."

"Really? Can I try it?" he asked politely. You nod as he grabbed another spoon before shoving some ice cream in his mouth too. "I think you're right!" he agreeds as you both laughed and continued to share the ice cream.

Time flew by, and night covered Paris. You and Adrien spent hours trying different flavors of ice cream. Now it was time for you to go home. He walked you outside of his house, which turned out to be a mansion. 

"Are you sure you don't want me to walk you home? It's late. I could even get my driver to take us," he offered.

"Don't worry about it! I live very close by. Also, I like walking at night," you insisted for the thousandth time.

Adrien was still hesitant. "Fine..." he sighed. "At least let me give you my phone number, so you can text me when you are home safe."

You laughed a little. "Ok, here's my phone," you said as you handed Adrien your phone. He quickly typed in his number and handed it back.

"Please remember to text me," he said, worry starting to show across his face a little. You smiled as you turned and walked down the street. You didn't make it far before Adrien came running up to you. "I'm sorry! This is embarrassing, but I just realized that I never got your name."

You couldn't stop yourself from smiling. "Y/N. My name is Y/N."

"Well, Y/N, it was a pleasure to meet you. I hope to see you again soon," he said before he ran back to his gate. 

You stood there for a bit. This was new to you. The words "see you again" got stuck in your head. No one had ever really said that to you before. Your life was filled with goodbyes, not see-you-agains. You walked slowly down the street, processing everything. You soon found yourself at the door of your apartment. You unlocked the door and walked in. You stood in front of a mirror and rubbed your hands over the bandages. You then realized that a smile was growing on your face. Adrien's kindness touched your heart, and you could still feel it. You truly did hope to see him again. You took out your phone and start typing a message to Adrien, the smile growing bigger. 


Hope you all didn't miss Aubie too much!

Question: What is your favorite ice cream?

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