Flashback #1

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You were once a little, poor orphan. You never knew your parents. You were left at an orphanage when you were just a baby. You were "adopted" by some thieves when you were 8 years old. They used you for all of their thieving needs. You were able to fit in convenient places, and no one suspected you of being a distraction while the thieves, well, thieved.

You were never abused, but you never liked your life. You never got to experience a childhood filled with rainbows and stuffed animals. Your "family" was constantly on the run and traveling. You never stayed in one place too long. Housing consisted of whatever cheap shelter the thieves could find that the cops couldn't. This was your life for many years.

Your thief family not only thieved from living people, but they also thieved from dead people. They often traveled the world in search of treasure. Tombs were a common one for your family. One day your travels brought you to Egypt. The thieves planned on breaking into a pyramid to steal the gold held inside. The pyramid was scouted for a week, looking for entrances, exits, timing opportunities, and anything else that would aid them. After much planning, the thieves were ready.

Unfortunately, the plan heavily involved you. You were the only one who could safely and sneakily steal the treasures. You were the only one who could fit in a shaft that would lead right to the treasure. Once again, your size was useful.

It didn't take long for the day to arrive. It was a beautiful night, but no amount of shiny stars could distract you from your task at hand. You hated any thieving job, but you felt like you had no choice. Like always, the plan worked. You were able to easily fit and gain access to the treasure. You walked slowly among the treasure that belonged to the dead. You treasured your few precious moments away from the rest of the gang.

You took your time. They couldn't reach you, so they couldn't do anything to you if they were mad about your slowness. You admired the shiny metals all around you. You walked carefully, trying not to disturb anything... yet. Suddenly, you felt a pull. It wasn't physical, but your body and mind seemed to react to something invisible. Something caught your attention in the corner of your eye. You turned your head to a golden wall, which was different from the rest. You walked up to it and ran your hands over the engravings. Something seemed to be calling you. You looked around the room, but you kept coming back to the wall. You ran your hands over the metal again, but this time you felt something move. You looked towards your hand to see an engraving of Anubis. Without thinking, you pressed a couple fingers to it, and it moved back into the wall, starting to glow.

The wall rumbled and began to lift up. Soon you could see a small room. In the middle of the room was a golden chest with Anubis engravings all over. Curiosity got the better of you, and you entered the room. The chest kept drawing you closer and closer until you were kneeling down beside it. You hesitated before opening the chest. It contained a bracelet. Confusion spread all over you. Why would anyone go through the trouble to hide a bracelet that didn't even look that valuable. Despite your frustration and disappointment, you picked up the bracelet. It started to glow in your palm. Fascinated by its light, you hardly noticed the wall closing until it was too late.

Hey guys! It was suggested that I write a a Marinxreader story. Marin is Marinette, but as a boy. What do you think?

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