Flashback #2

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Darkness started to swallow the room as the wall finally closed shut. The sound of the wall sealing snapped you out of your daze. It only took a second for the panic to take over your mind and body. You dropped the glowing bracelet as you lunged for the wall. Your hands quickly ran over the engravings that covered the wall. You couldn't clearly see any of them, but you hoped that one of your hands would hit another secret trigger.

Minutes had gone by with nothing but failure. You dropped your hands down and started looking around the room. You weren't going to give up quite yet. Once again, your eyes were drawn to the bracelet. It still held its soft glow. You picked it up and started to examine it closely. There was nothing special about it besides its strange glow. It looked like a plain metal bracelet with a small metal loop that let you hook the bracelet off or on. There wasn't even a single jewel on the bracelet. Maybe it was made of silver.

"Why would anyone go through so much trouble to hide this bracelet? Was it all supposed to be a trap? I mean, glowing is definitely special but not that special." you talked to yourself aloud.

With no other clues to go off of, you decided to use the light from the bracelet to examine the chest. You used your fingers to feel the engravings that covered the chest. Your eyes seemed to suddenly stop on a certain engraving. For some reason, the engraving looked familiar to you. You were so lost in thought that you almost didn't notice that you started mumbling aloud. Egyptian words poured out, and it was like someone had taken over your body. Your eyes followed the engravings on the chest while the foreign words continued to spill out.

After what felt like forever, you finally gained control over your body. The whole room started to fill with darkness and silence as the bracelet lost its glow. You let confusion cover you as you sat in the darkness. The bracelet suddenly let out a bright beam of light, which caused you to scream and drop the bracelet as you quickly backed up into a wall.

You waited, not daring to move a muscle, until something or someone spoke.

"Why is it so dark in here?" a small voice rang out.

You remained silent, too afraid to speak.

"I know someone is in here. I wouldn't have been called out if a chosen one wasn't here."

More silence.

"Ah, there you are!"

The voice was suddenly right in front of you. You screamed and dove in a random direction. Unforunately, you couldn't see where you were going, and you smacked your head straight into another wall.

"Oh, I doubt that felt great. I guess you can't see in the dark as well as I can."

"W-who are you?" you asked in fear as you rubbed your sore head.

A glowing light started to appear in front of you. It was similar to the bracelet, but this one was much bigger. To your surprise, a small dog-like creature floated in front of you.

"Hello, my name is Aubie!" the creature said in a cheerful tone.

You sat there, stunned. What the heck was going on?

Hi guys! I'm back. I've missed writing! Let me know what you guys think about the story so far.

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