Chapter 17

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I had no idea how long I'd been down here...hell I don't even know what time of day it is. My head sagged forward and my eyelids where dropping shut. I tried to pry them open so I could stay awake just in case something happens but I truly couldn't.


I shoot up as I heard a door slam shut. My heart was pounding a million miles per hour. I lifted the covers off the bed exposing my still clothed legs...wait...what?...Covers?bed?my hands aren't fused together? No metal pole thing?... I scanned the room for a quick minute realising that I was no longer down in a cellar...this...this is Killian's room. "What hell am I doing here" I whispered under my breath. I rubbed my wrists as the zip ties wore away a layer of skin and made a physically visible burn. I winced in pain as I went to go and stand up..."fuck...ouch" I whisper yet again. My legs hurt and my back hurt and-...well everything just hurt.

I roamed the hallways for a while considering just escaping through a window...but why would I be in his bed? I thought over and over. I was so curious I didn't think again before I wondered down the stairs.

I knew my way around Killian's home as if it where my own. Well it was once. I stumbled into the kitchen and then to the living room and then the dining room..."where is he?" I mumbled. "Right behind you love..." a husked voice beamed. I jumped round and my heart yet again raced a million miles per hour "you scared me you idiot!!" I shouted placing a hand on my heart. "Sorry love" he said stepping forward to comfort me. I backed away in confusion and horror "you kidnapped me why the hell would I want to seek comfort from you?" I said in disgust. "Emma listen to wasn't me who wanted to go with this...Robin he- he said if I didn't help you he would kill you..." I stopped in my tracks for a second as Killian whispers the last words..."I thought you didn't care?" I said bluntly. "Emma I love you and I have never stopped loving you..." he said staring at his feet. Those words made my heart melt and break at the same time. "Well you seemed to enjoy me being in pain the other day...or was it night..." I said confused as I still didn't know what day or time it was. "Look you have to realise, I didn't do that because it's what I felt it's because I was forced to...Robin was upstairs and could hear everything I was saying...if I did say something out of line he would have killed you then and there in front of me" he stood still with his hands in his leather jacket pockets. "Killian, I believe you" I stared him in the eyes a few seconds before I said that...remember my super power...I can tell when anyone is lying and he was definitely not lying." Wait you do?" He said in pure confusion. "Yes I do...I can tell when anyone is lying and you Killian are telling the truth..." I smiled...he let off a small side smirk as he led me into the living room. "I need to get back to Regi-" I began to say before I got rudely cut off by Killian. "Emma there's something you have to know" he said weakly. "What is it?" I said sitting beside him on the sofa.

"It's Regina..."

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