chapter 22

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I blinked my eyes a couple of times at the brunette that was standing in front of me. Milah. Killian had told me that Milah was his ex girlfriend ages ago just before he had met me. He told me she meant nothing to him...well clearly not...considering he is with her now. I'm not jealous...its just hard to explain what I'm feeling. Anger maybe? No, no...that's gone in the past I cant be angry about something that happened ages ago. can I? Ugh...Oh I don't know. I guess its the fact that when Killian told me about her he was with me and that's when he said and I quote "I don't love her and I never will that was in the past" I don't know if its me over thinking or... while he was with me he missed her? am I thinking to deeply into things or what? omg Emma just stop already. you have Regina and you are happy. But am I though? I need answers, what the hell, no  I don't what the hell am I thinking Emma snap out of it already...I promised Regina and I'm hers from now on.

I looked Milah dead in the eyes and then gave her a glare I jumped out of the booth and grabbed Regina by the hand and pulled her up to my height and kissed her passionately in front of the "couple"...we pulled apart and before Regina could say anything I walked out of the diner still hand in hand with Regina. If I'm honest I have no idea why I did that...Maybe to show I can be happy too? I don't know...

"emma??-emma...EMMA STOP!!! What the hell was that?!?!" Regina screamed down my ear. I had only just noticed I had been power walking to the docks, still hand in hand with Regina and I had dragged her all the way out here for no apparent reason...I just wanted to get away from that place away from them.
"I don't know I...I-" I grumbled. She grabbed my hand and sat me down on a bench and she lifted up my head with a finger under my chin. "Emma, you can tell me anything you know. I'm always going to be here for you" She said giving a sweet side smile. I was afraid she was going to say that. I love Regina but I don't understand what's come over me with this Milah woman. I looked up and her and glimmered a smile and just...played dumb because I don't want to hurt her. I'm afraid she will get the wrong idea.
"I don't kn-" I began. She put a finger to my lips "Emma swan, I know when your lying. You are definitely lying" she said firmly with her arms crossed over her chest. Shit. "Emma come on" She said almost disappointed. I took a deep breath in and exhaled very slowly trying to stall time. "Well, it's that Milah woman-" I began.

Once I had finished the story of why I was so all over the place Regina took my hand and lifted me from the bench. Before I could even say another word her lips where pressed against mine and her hands where slithering down my back. We pulled apart for air a couple of times but we continued to kiss under the stars. She finally pulled away and said "thank you for telling me...I know your past was difficult and that's why I want to change that for you" she smiled. I kissed her once more and her hands started to wonder places that weren't meant for the public eye. "REGINA!?" I whisper shouted. She giggled "yes, miss swan?". I laughed out loud and whispered in her ear "let's take this home".i could feel the hairs on the back of her neck and arms stand up and shivers run down her spine. She nodded in agreement and we both linked arms and snuggled into each other to protect of selfs from the bitter cold air.


I woke up the next morning being hugged by a beautiful naked brunette. Regina... my Regina, I don't even know why I was getting stressed about that Milah. That's over now time to move on... all I need is right here in this bed. Not wanting to disturb Regina I just lay there for a couple of hours just thinking...
I could start a family with this woman. I mean I love her more Than I could ever imagine and I would do anything do her. Half the time though I don't understand why I put her through the shit I do... I listened to Robin instead of my instincts and I left her...I stormed out of the diner because I was mad at Killian for something that happened years ago...I dragged her into my drama. Good one Emma. Ugh why do I do this to myself? why do I do this to her?

I lifted my head from the silk red pillow to look at the clock on the beside table. 8:12AM. I'm not going to get back to sleep so I may as well go and do something useful with my time. I slowly got up out of the bed and then ran to the bathroom trying to cover my exposed body with my jeans and top that Regina threw on the floor last night. wow last night was unexplainable...

I emerged from the bathroom fully clothed this time to still see Regina's naked body sprawled across the king sized bed. I smiled at the sight and continued on downstairs. I made myself a hot cocoa with cinnamon and I plonked myself down on one of the chairs sitting at the island in the middle of the kitchen. Regina has done so much for me already...hummm...maybe I could return that...

I shot up out of the chair with an idea in mind. downed my hot cocoa trying not spill it anywhere and I rushed out to my yellow bug and started up the ignition. I stopped off at granny's to pick a few things up and then I stopped off at the local store also to grab a couple of things. oh and the 'game of thorns' flower shop.

When I pulled into the drive way I could see Regina still wasn't up as the bedroom curtains where still closed which I was so thankful for. I rushed in to the house and started baking up cookies and apple turnovers. no matter how hard I tried to make an apple turn over they where never as good as Regina's. I set them down on a cake stand on the island in the middle of the kitchen. I continued to cook and bake for round about an hour and some how managing not to wake Regina.

I looked at my phone for the time. 10:00AM. "shit, I'm going to be late for work" I murmured. I scurried to the mirror In the living room to tidy myself up and then I spun around wide eyed. "Flowers!!!" I whispered. I rushed to the kitchen and placed the red and white roses on the counter top beside the lovely goodies and breakfast I had made my soon to be hopefully wife. wow that sounds good...Regina my wife... I also placed down a brown box beside the flowers with a note on top...

Dear Regina,

You have done so much for me already and I wanted to do something special for you. I hope you enjoy your breakfast and all the goodies oh and the flowers and the gift. xxx Also, Be ready for when I get home around 4:00 tonight.

I love you more than you could ever imagine xxxx


I quickly rushed upstairs to plant a kiss on Reginas forehead and then I left for work.
While driving to the station I saw Killian on his own in granny's diner. I decided to pulled over and apologise for the other night.

I took a deep breath and walked over to killian's booth. He looked at me almost surprised "Emma? What are you doing here don't you have work?" He questioned. "Yes I do but I wanted to apologise for being an arse last night..." I admitted. He gave me a smile and nodded his head "no worries swan... it's okay".
I smiled and started to back away awkwardly not knowing what else to say..."anyways I best be off...thanks for being okay with me from yesterday" I quickly said. He didn't say anything but nod his head and wave.

Just before I was about to leave the diner a small angelic voice called my name "Emma?" The voice said. "Yes who's calling?" I said as I spun round. I turned round to face a tall brunette girl with red highlights. "Ruby..." I giggled. "Emma I just wanted to say I've never seen anyone become so close to Regina...she's always been a closed, confined book but since you turned up she's been completely different" she chirped. "How so" I questioned. "Like she's smiling and waving at everyone...she's being so kind...she was never like this with Robin..." she chirped once again. I smiled at the fact I'm making Regina happy... it was like a privilege.

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