Chapter 26

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I escorted Regina through the front door but letting her pick up her belonging first that I made her drop when I pounced on her as soon as she walked up to the door.

"So? What is it?" She said looking very concerned. I took a deep breath and lent back into the sofa. "I bumped into... Robin today...and Killian" I said under my breath.
"What!? What happened?" She questioned sounding annoyed as soon as I said their names. Regina doesn't like Killian not one little bit I find it quite cute actually how she gets protective when he's around me. "Emma? Whats happened?" She questioned again. I took another deep breath "Killian... he..." I began. "He what?" She said placing a hand over mine. "He...Kissed me..." I muttered. I looked up at Regina who's eyes suddenly turned wide "but I pulled away... I slapped him and walked away" I added quickly. She didn't say anything, she was silent.ah shit. "And Robin we kind of had another argument...and he punched me in the stomach because I kicked him in the balls" I giggled at the last bit but not too loud as this was a serious matter. She looked up at me and saw me laughing at the end bit and she couldn't help but grin. "I don't know what to say... I mean I knew the Robin thing was going to do something at some point...but Killian , I thought he had a girlfriend" she questioned. "He does and she knows as she watched him kiss me and she slapped him herself and walked away...oh and Robin is also now in jail for a longgggg period of time...according to graham as he was caught doing other things" I said placing my hand over hers and then moving in closer to her. "I'm glad you told me about the kiss...I know it wasn't your fault and I believe you" She said reassuring any bad thought I had about it.
I was crying earlier because I didn't know how she was going to react and I had a bad feeling she would have left me but I guess that was me just over surprises there..."everything is going to be okay I one is going to come between us" she said pulling me into a warm embrace . I hugged her tight and I was thankful she understands what I was getting at. I love her.

• • • • •

I listened to Emma's story kind of confused and angry at the same time. I wanted to punch Robin and Killian in the face but Robin has too much strength for my liking and I quite frankly didn't want to face him after what he had done to me. I was confused because why are they doing this now after like three weeks???

Emma told me not to do anything or say anything to any of them and I did say I wouldn't but I didn't that doesn't count... does it?


Me and Emma went on a little road trip into town to have a look around and to buy Christmas presents for everyone as Christmas was just creeping up on us.

When we arrived we wondered round for a while not knowing what to buy. But then we stumbled upon a jewellery store that Emma beamed at. Emma isn't the one for jewellery and she doesn't point out anything that she likes because she knows I'll always buy it for her. But for some odd reason she pointed it out...I don't think she was thinking because of how much she was admiring it. It was a silver necklace with a blue and purple diamond on it.
Once she had saw me looking at it as well she walked away because I think she had a sneaky suspicion that i was gonna go and buy it. Haha walking away isn't going to stop me emma.

We both walked over to a coffee shop but Instead of me walking in with her I told her I needed the toilet. I lied. I power walked away in the direction of the toilets because I could sense her looking at me but as soon as it felt safe I turned the other way and went straight back to the jewellery store where Emma had saw that gorgeous necklace that she was admiring. I went in and brought the necklace and then I quickly stuffed the jewellery box into my bag to hide it from Emma.

When I walked out the store I caught a glimpse of Killian and I couldn't help myself but go up to him. "Killian!!!" I shouted not bothered wether people stare or not. "Yes?" He turned around not knowing who called his name. But as soon as he spotted me walking towards him you could see on his face that he was shitting himself... he knew exactly what I was going to say. "Why the hell where you kissing my fiancé?" I said annoyed "wait wait what?" He questioned "what do you mean what? You kissed her and why the hell did you?" I said getting more agitated "no I mean the fiancé bit...she's your fiancé?" He said sounding confused and upset. "Yes my fiancé...she proposed to me the other night... but that's besides the point... WHY DID YOU KISS HER??" I said starting to get really annoyed and angered. "I didn't know she was your fiancé" he said muttering the last words. "No that's no excuse" I said pointing a finger at his chest "either way if she wasn't my fiancé she would have been my girlfriend... and she didn't want you to kiss her either way...she has no interest in you... she doesn't like you so will you quit trying had your shot and you blew it okay...let her be and leave us alone" I said sharply and puffing out my chest to show my dominance. He didn't say anything but walk off... pussy I thought.
I was about to turn round and walk back to Emma but then robin came from behind the rack of key rings and I hid behind some cards on the shelf in the middle of the isle. Trying to avoid him at all costs.i thought Emma said he was locked up?. But I think he spotted me...shit. "Regina? Is that you?" He asked. I braced myself and sprung from behind the card shelf. "Yes it's me " I muttered "you still with that blonde?" He questioned "yes I am and her names Emma" I said getting agitated already "oh , well that means she hasn't told you...has she?" He smirked. "Told me what?"i said nervously.
"Oh you really don't know? Haha...she kissed Killian...and then she came to me and she asked me to sleep with her because you weren't fulfilling her needs... I think you know what I mean by that" he said winking. "No she would never do- she would never" I stuttered. He laughed before he answered back "you don't sound to sure love ". I stood there for a moment processing the information he had given me. Why trust him? He's lied to me before he will do it again...he's tried to ruin mine and Emma's relationship before he'll do that again too. "Wait but I just spoke to Killian and he didn't say anything about her kissing him" I noted. "You do realise Regina that Killian is still in love with Emma and will do anything for her...even lie for her" he smirked.
I turned around and walked off not wanting to answer back.
I walked straight back to Emma in the coffee shop seeing her made my heart melt but also break at the same time. She wouldn't do that would she ? No she wouldn't...would she?...No she wouldn't. Why am I thinking like this, she asked me to marry her for crying out loud obviously she would never do that. I walked in through the doors as the bell jingled behind me Emma's head shot up and she immediately smiled as she saw me walk through the door. I couldn't help but smile back...she makes me happy I couldn't help it. I sat down and before I could say hello she butted in "what took you so long?" She asked. "Truth is I didn't go to the toilet I went somewhere else" I said with my head down not letting my emotions seep through from what Robin said. "Where did you go?" She said curiously and lifting me head with her finger. "I'll show you" I said pulling out the jewellery box from my bag and handed it to her. Her face lit up and her eyes sparkled at the gift I gave her."Regina? You didn't? Oh my..." she said with a quiver in her tone as if she was about to cry. I just looked up and smiled... I didn't want to tell her yet what Robin had said to me...I needed more proof...she jumped up out her seat and hugged me tight in a warm embrace. I was good at hiding what I was thinking but with this woman... Jesus it's like a quest to do. "Regina what's wrong ? And don't lie to me...I can sense something is wrong" She said placing the gift down into the table trying to avoid any spilt coffee.

"Did you-" I began.

Sorry to leave you guys on a cliff hanger but I can't do much when I'm on holiday and I have upcoming exams. I will try my best to update as often as I can but for now it's kind of difficult but I hope you enjoy the new chapters and I will let you know what happens with my book through my Instagram❤️
(Instagram: Darkswan_.cs)

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