16. Chris Imagine: Attention

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You first caught Chris's attention when you walked into the class late, he had always noticed you but today was different. You seemed rushed and flustered, which you were. "I'm so sorry I'm late I like forgot a bunch of stuff." which was a lie, you had not slept all night due to your parents shouting and then when you did sleep you overslept.

You didn't have any time to do your hair or eat, you just packed your bag, got changed, brushed your teeth and left the house in a hurry. Your hair was in a messy bun, strands fell down either side of your face which actually looked okay, you wasn't to bothered about your hair you cared more about the class.

"Miss Y/L/N, thirty minutes after school with me today!" the teacher shouted, you groaned and smashed your head on the table causing laughs around the class, "Make that an hour after school!" he added. You didn't have the strength to argue and so you nodded at the teacher, but someone else had the strength to stick up for you "Hey, cut her some slack." you turned around to see a smiling Chris Chambers staring at you.

That was the first time Chris had caught your attention, like properly caught your attention, "Mr Chambers, what a surprise, detention for you as well, an hour!" before Chris could say anything his friend Gordie, nudged him to shut up.

The rest of the day you were just tired and drained out to the max, you just needed sleep, just at least five extra minutes but you never had the chance as a teacher was always on your case. So to keep your mind occupied you thought of Chris, he was never on your mind as much as this, you really admired him for what he did but why did he do it, what made him. Before any answers could be figured out the last bell went and your mind was set on the detention.

Well detention was interesting, you and Chris were sat next to each other by teachers orders(stupid idea) and you passed notes the whole time and that's when you seemed to notice that you liked Chris. You didn't know in what way you liked him but you seemed to like him, the two of you received a lecture from the teacher before being allowed to leave.

As you and Chris left the school building you looked at him "I wanted to say thanks for earlier." he smiled at you "It's no problem, couldn't leave ya in there with him alone.". You laughed "Thank you though, I don't know how to repay you?" Chris looked at you and smiled "Maybe a kiss and a date might work?" you giggled "So cliché Chambers, if you wanted to ask me out just say.". He shrugged and raised an eyebrow "So is that a yes?" you went on your tiptoes and reached his lips and kissed them.

"Yes Chambers, that's a yes from me." you smiled walking away, Chris shouting after you "Saturday at the Blue Point 6pm." you shouted without looking back "Perfect Chambers."

Yay another imagine done!! I might do a part two to this, not sure though. I want to say thank you for 300 reads it surprises me every time I get reads, I feel so happy about it and it lifts my mood so thank youuuuuuu. Thanks for the votes as well :)
Till next time then.

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