31. Teddy 1k Special Imagine

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Y/L/F/C = Your least favourite colour.
A/N: Your parents (more your father) are quite mean in this and I don't want this aimed at your parents or I don't want it to offend anyone as this was never intended to. So I'm sorry about that.

You and Teddy had been dating for more a less four months now and that was much to your parents dismay, they strongly disliked the Duchamp's as they had the reputation of being crazy. Of course your parents were just all about reputation and you loved to do anything to go against that, you didn't believe that the Duchamp's were crazy at all.

You had met Teddy's mother a couple weeks into dating and she fell in love with you and then when Teddy met your parents lets say they didn't approve they highly disliked him, they just said he's crazy like his father. You ignored your parents irrelevant opinions on him and continued to date him. Yes you agreed Teddy was crazy but he was a good crazy he was an amazing crazy.

You and Teddy had been dating for a while but you both still haven't said 'I love you' to one another even though you wanted to you were way too scared to tell him. It was prom night and your parents of course picked out your dress which was nice but it was an awful colour, it was Y/L/F/C. And of course they had also picked out a date for you but what your parents didn't know was that you and your arranged date knew each other well and had decided to walk to prom and on the way go meet whoever you both wanted to.

You sat grumpy on the sofa trying not to give anything away, and your father shook his head and sat in-front of you in his armchair. "Look Y/N, you and that Duchamp kid will never last so it's better to sort this now than later and anyway your date tonight is far better than that little psycho son of a bitch." you gasped at his words and stood up "You don't know him like I do father, you will never know him the way I do."

Your father stood up and walked towards you and raised his hand to hit you, you didn't even flinch as you were used to the pain of the slap, you no longer cried anymore, you had become immune to it. As you awaited for his hand to hit you but it didn't come as the ring of a bell sounded, you were in-fact saved by the bell.

Your date was standing there in the door-way and you smiled "Hey." he smiled back "Hey Y/N." he grabbed your hand which made you feel so uncomfortable but you had to do it for show. "Perfect" your mother clapped her hands and squealed in delight, your father shook your dates hand and gave him a broad grin. "Aha enough of that let's get going." you chuckled awkwardly and pulled your date by the hand out the door.

You and your date had walked in utter silence besides making the odd small talk until you came to your meeting point with Teddy, "Look, thanks for doing this. I'm meeting him here. I'll see ya later." you hugged him goodbye and he walked off saying "No problem." probably going to meet his date.

Soon after he left Teddy appeared out behind a tree in a suit "Hey Y/N." he smirked and you ran over to him and hugged him "Hey Teddy, nice suit." you pulled apart and you kissed his cheek and grabbed his hand. "Wanna go to our spot?" he asked, you nodded in agreement "For sure." and you started to walk to your normal hang out spot whenever you were alone.

You both pushed past a bush after five minutes of walking and you were finally exposed to your hideout spot, it was basically a small green field with a blue sparkling lake running along it. The place was honestly so beautiful, it was perfect for you and Teddy. You two laid down next to each other and pointed at the stars that shone brightly above the two of you whilst being hand-in-hand.

"Y/N." Teddy said breaking the peaceful silence between the two of you, you moved your head to look at him, "Yes Teddy?" he sat up and grabbed your hand "Wanna dance with me?" you pushed up his glasses and kissed his nose "Sure." the two of you then got up and started to slow-dance.

You two just danced around in circles whilst you had your head resting on his shoulder and he had his head in your neck whilst tracing your back up and down with his right hand.

You both danced in silence until he moved his head and placed his hands on both your cheeks, he caressed them with his fingers and he then looked into your eyes.

Teddy then leaned in and he kissed you passionately, you kissed back instantly as you loved these kisses with him. You ran a hand through his sandy blonde hair and he pulled you in closer. "Y/N..." he said trying not to pull away, "Hmm" you responded, "I love you." you pulled away instantly and looked at him with wide eyes.

"Shit, I'm sorry I shouldn't of said anything." you then fell to the floor and cried, why the fuck did you react like this you questioned mentally slapping yourself. "Hey, hey, hey." Teddy said rushing over to your fallen body. You hugged him and he stroked your hair "Teddy, I love you too." he gave a sigh of relief "But why are you crying." you wiped your eyes and laughed "It's uh, uh nothing don't worry about it." You looked up at him with your saddened eyes and with that he knew what you meant.

He knew it was your father, you had let your emotions build up too much, and hearing what Teddy said somewhat relieved you and just broke you down in tears. Everything had finally gotten to you too much.

"Look Y/N we'll run away together soon, I promise you, we'll start an amazing new life together." you chuckled and kissed him "I love you so much Teddy." he adjusted his glasses and kissed your cheek "And I love you too Y/N."

Sorry this was a crap one and extremely lame but I hope you still liked it.

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