46. Chris Imagine For @chambersxox

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"How are we supposed to get across this?" Vern asked as he pointed to the massive pond in front of you.

"We need to use a raft." Teddy suggested as if it was actually a good idea, "How are we going to make one then huh?" you asked shaking your head in disbelief.

Teddy shrugged and muttered "I don't know."

You wrapped your arms around Chris' neck and he turned his head to face you, he smiled and kissed your cheek. "Heya gorgeous, any ideas on how to get across this?" your stomach when all jittery whenever he called you gorgeous.

You shook your head "I wish I could say I do handsome." he blushed ever so slightly but it faded quickly when an idea popped into his head.

Chris then removed your hands from around his neck and walked to the nearest tree and snapped of a branch and walked back over to you all and poked around the pond.

The stick didn't go that far in and Chris smiled proudly, "Hey you know it's not that deep we can all walk across it." you all looked at one another and sighed as you all really didn't want to go in, besides Teddy.

You all walked into the muggy water and it was fine until all the boys took another step in before you and they were found to be neck deep in the water.

You laughed at the soaking wet boys in front of you and shouted "Idiots!" but immediately regretted it as Chris stumbled towards you, a smirk plastered across his face.

"Shouldn't have called us that Mia!" and before you could run you were dragged into the water by Chris. You went underwater and rose to the surface with an angry expression and playfully hit Chris' shoulder repeatedly.

"I can't believe you Chambers, look at my hair and ew!" you complained groaning, Chris laughed and splashed water all over you, "Come on, lighten up a little Mia!" you then raised an eyebrow and smirked "Hm okay! and splashed Chris with a large amount of water.

You all continued to splash at each other and joke around, Teddy and Vern being goons and trying to kill each other whilst Gordie started swimming away.

"Where you going Lachance?" Chris asked as he swam over to Gordie making sure to kick a little bit more water on you. "Chris!!!" you groaned lightly and decided to walk out the pond.

The boys all launched on top of Gordie whilst you dumped your bags down and sat watching them until you felt a little nip on your leg.

and then you realised....

"Oh my god LEECHES!!!!" you yelled and started scrambling around pulling leeches off your arms, legs and whole body.

You took your shirt off and your shorts and managed to get most of them off but the boys were too busy helping each other that no one could help you get the leeches of your back.

"Fuck! Fuck! It's hurting someone get them of my back!!" you jumped around like a maniac, "Mia!!" Chris yelled and ran over helping you get the dreaded leeches off your back.

Your knight in shining armour.

You felt a slight tingle as Chris touched your bare back and it felt good. Chris, even after removing all the leeches, still touched your back and you turned around to look at him.

"Um hey." you smiled, "Hi." he replied smiling back, he stroked a strand of brown hair out your face and you rested your face into his hand. "Mia, can I do something?" Chris asked out if the blue, you then nodded "Y-yeah."

Chris smiled and leaned in to kiss you and you leaned in too and your lips met like magnets. "Ooo kissy kissy." Teddy made a kissing face and moved his hands around.

You gave Teddy the middle finger still kissing Chris until we got interrupted by a thud on the ground. "Oh shit!" you said opening your eyes and pulling away from Chris, Gordie had passed out!!

damn i have done so much writing tonight i'm so damn tired😂
anyway i hope you enjoyed this, i felt like i kinda shitted this up but i'm not sure.
anyway thank you for requesting :)

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