53. Teddy Imagine For @mrsteddyduchamp

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(side note: i used the surname 'merrill' as its ace's family name!)

"Tee, Ace, dinner's ready!" your mum yelled to you and your brother Ace, it was a rare occasion that you were eating as a family together as your mother and father weren't really around a lot.

You ran down the stairs and nudged Ace's shoulder deliberately as you ran past him, he managed to pull your ponytail causing you to almost fall down the remaining few steps.

"Nice one, thanks for that!" you flipped him off and Ace stuck his tongue out, even though Ace was a tough, scary and extremely dangerous guy he was also a big softie.

But that was only around you.

As you all sat down to eat you had conversations about school, you spoke about your four bestfriend's which caused Ace to squint his eyes in annoyance and you talked about how you usually hung out with them after school.

"Careful of them fuckin' Chambers, just remember you aren't the only one with a Chambers for a friend." Ace gritted through his teeth. "Difference is I'm friends with Chris not Eyeball, two entirely different people." you shrugged in response.

"I've also seen how that four eyed pile of shit Duchamp kid is with you! Constantly teasing you and trying to make you laugh and jesus even the clinginess." Ace complained in an elderly brother fashion.

You gripped your fork tighter and shook your head as you tried not to let Ace get to you, you told yourself it was just him being protective because he liked to play the protective role.

You were to be doomed if you had a boyfriend as Ace wouldn't ever allow it, he couldn't allow it, bare in mind he brought home a new girl every few days. But still, this didn't stop you to have a small crush on Teddy.

It had started in History when you became partners, you grew to love his loudness and his dodgy hearing, his awful remarks and even his deafly cackling. Teddy couldn't ever know you had a crush on him because that would ruin everything, not just between the two of you, between you and all the boys.

You were just about to put another mouthful of food into your mouth when you were distracted by a knock at the door.

"We have company? Did you invite friends round you two?" your mother asked as she raised her head to look at the door in confusion.

Yourself and Ace shook your heads and so you took initiative and got up to investigate, you unlocked and opened the door and standing there was the very devil himself.

"Well, well, well, hello Duchamp and what do I owe upon for this lovely pleasure." you asked with a raised eyebrow.

"You free to come down to the treehouse? No ones there but still we could play cards." Teddy smiled in his goofy manner.

"No, Tiara will not be joining you, we're eating, so can you just...piss off." Ace growled from behind you before you could answer.

You hadn't even noticed he followed you out but it was Ace so it's something that didn't surprise you.

"Oh who's this? Hello I'm Mrs Merrill!" your mother pushed past the both of you and went to shake Teddy's hand.

Teddy being Teddy took her hand instantly and introduced himself and well, that's how he wound up sitting next to you at the table being served a serving of dinner.

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