33. Ace 1k Special Imagine

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You put on your tight red short dress which you felt so nervous to wear as it was so unlike what you would usually wear. You pulled it down slightly and it made it somewhat better, you also applied some extremely light red eyeshadow.

You looked into your bedroom mirror and honestly you didn't recognise yourself, "Wow babe you look hot." came the familiar voice of your boyfriend. You blushed and turned around to see Ace resting his body in the doorframe.

"Ace is this too much?" you asked continuing to move the dress down even further but failed as that just exposed more of your top half. "Babe don't sweat it you look great." Ace said whilst walking over to you to wrap his arms around your waist and kiss your cheek.

"Ace I don't wanna go." you whined, "Y/N it's just a party." he dragged on continuing to smother your cheek in kisses. You rolled your eyes and shook your head whilst turning around, "Why do I have to go." he grabbed your hand "Because I want you there." you groaned whilst pointing a finger at his chest "Ugh fine, I'm staying at this party for like an hour, no longer!"

Ace finally got you into his car after many attempts and started to drive, "Why this dress?" you asked as you tugged on it for it to go down but getting angry as the more it went down the more cleavage it showed. "Because you look hot in it." he smirked looking you up and down whilst trying to look at the road ahead of him. You then smirked back thinking to yourself about how you were going to make him so jealous tonight.

You two arrived at the party and you moaned on again "Y/N you'll be fine, it's not like you've never been to a party with me before." you shook your head "It's the dress it's just....ew, it's whorey."

Ace slapped your ass and whispered in your ear "You look gorgeous, and anyway you're my whore." you sighed and he squeezed your hand and the two of you walked in. No one really acknowledged the two of you walk in which was good, the only one who noticed was Y/F/N.

"Y/N look at you! you look hot, if I was gay I would smash." Y/F/N squealed partly drunk, "Eh I didn't like it really but Ace did so I got it." you stated pulling at the tight red dress. "Honestly Y/N you look amazing, guarantee you could make Ace so jealous tonight!" Y/F/N grinned, you raised an eyebrow and whispered "Don't ruin my plan."

For most of the night you hung about with Y/F/N whilst Ace either played pool or done something else with the Cobra's. As you and Y/F/N continued to talk you weren't paying attention to how much alcohol you were drinking and let's say you got drunk pretty easily.

"Whoooooohooo I'm gonna dance wooo!" you yelled after drinking four cups of that red punch which was practically pure alcohol. You jumped of the counter almost falling over, you then went over to where everyone was dancing but someone grabbed your shoulder.

This random guy smiled at you "Wanna dance with me?" you smiled "Okie dokie!" you grabbed his hand and dragged him to the dance floor and the two of you started to dance to the upbeat pop music.

But as you started to dance you realised something "Woah get off me dude!" he looked startled "What's wrong babes?" he asked looking into your eyes. You pushed him away and shouted "I have a boyfriend!" and somehow Ace heard and realised it was you  from a mile away and he charged over towards you.

"Oi back off my girlfriend!" Ace shouted whilst pushing the guy back even further so he fell onto the glass table. "Aceyyyyyy babyyy heyyyy!" you smiled widely going back to stupid mode, Ace wasn't smiling back at you though so you knew he was mad.

Everyone was of course watching now as the two of you made a scene, "Y/N we're leaving." Ace said sternly grabbing your wrist, "Whyyy I'm having funnnn!" you laughed. The dude from before got up again and pushed Ace "Yeah she's having fun don't make her leave." Ace shot the guy an angry look and punched him round the face and once again pushed him on the floor, a thick line of blood left from the guys nose and you think Ace broke it.

You started to laugh out of being drunk and let's say Ace didn't find it funny so he picked you up and slung you over his shoulder and headed for the door. You whacked his back "Lemme down." he shook his head "No! You're too drunk to stay." you groaned "Im not tha-" *hiccup* "Well only maybe a little drunk."

Ace carried you all the way to his car and placed you in the leather seat, "Ooh I never realised this was leather, this is so totally awesome." you could see Ace smile slightly. "Oh my God, I made you smile." he went back to a straight face and closed the door whilst you erupted into fits of giggles.

Ace got into the other side of the car and started it up getting ready to drive, "Where are we going?" you asked. "My place." Ace replied keeping his eyes on the road ahead of him.

The journey was short and awkward as hell, "Ace I'm sorry." you said as you had somewhat sobered up after minutes of you sticking your head out the window and screaming. Ace didn't reply he just continued to drive forwards, "What is it?" you asked as you didn't know what was wrong. Ace still ignored you "Fine be that fucking way then."

Once Ace pulled up outside his house you got out, "If you're gonna fuckin' act like a baby imma just walk home." you said stumbling out the car. You walked five steps and the heels that you were wearing were killing you, "Fuck these stupid shoes!" you yelled and took them off and threw them at Ace with terrible aim. You then started to walk to your house barefoot you didn't care about the stones digging into your feet.

As your luck couldn't get any better rain started to fall heavily "Great." you muttered under your breath. Ace then ran after you and grabbed your shoulders and span you around, "Y/N I'm not letting you walk home in this weather and I'm not letting you walk home barefoot, what type of boyfriend would I be if I let that happen." you crossed your arms "So if you are some 'type' of boyfriend why are you ignoring me."

Ace shook his head "I'm sorry alright, what do ya expect me to do when some guy is all over my girl making me look like an idiot." you shrugged "Alright, but maybe we could talk it out but I guess not with you." and continued to walk on.

Damn alcohol made you bitchy.

Ace ran up to you again "Y/N don't walk away." you turned around once again and raised your arms "Why. Tell me why I shouldn't walk away." Ace ran a hand through his hair "Because I fucking love you alright."

You stared at him in disbelief and looked around "Am I still drunk." he chuckled slightly "Yes and no but yes I love you and I know I've never said it before and don't expect me to say it again but I love you and I don't want you to go."

You smiled and pulled him into a tight embrace "Awh I love you too." and with that he pulled away and kissed you like never before. This was a kiss that was filled with so much passion that it seemed to ignite your body into flames. This kiss was something that left you speechless and you never had experienced that before with anyone.

When the two of you pulled away you he then smirked and you raised an eyebrow "What?" he then lifted you off the ground "Aha no put me down you asshole!" you yelled in annoyance. "Shut up." he grinned whilst slapping your ass.

You just laughed "That's my Ace."

I honestly hate this, I gave up and rushed it and I had no ideas. Ugh I think all the birthday cake is getting to me. Sorry I haven't updated I would've updated yesterday but I had my birthday so it was ugh no time. Anyway hope you enjoyed reading this as much as I hated writing it.

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