19. Vern (and Billy) Imagine: Brothers

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A/N: This will be a brother sister imagine.
You slipped on a coat and looked in the mirror "This looks good enough right?" you said to yourself.

"You look great, now where are you going?" the familiar voice was spoken from your brother Vern. "Uh I'm going out with some friends." then all of a sudden the doorbell rang. "That's them!" you shouted and laughed nervously trying not to give away that it was your boyfriend at the door.

You ran down the stairs in attempt of getting there before anyone else and so you could go as soon as possible, but Billy was already there. Great. "So Y/N, who's this then?" Billy asked sternly whilst smiling sickly at the boy with his new red metal baseball bat swinging in his hands.

"Billy, no.." you edged closer mouthing to your boyfriend to run, "Uh second thought I'll meet you there Y/N." he chuckled out of nervousness and then ran. As soon as he was gone Billy yelled after him "You hurt my sister this bat will be straight round your head. I've needed someone to test it out on!"

"Billy! No!" you yelled whilst running out the door to catch up with your boyfriend. "No Y/N get back here! Who is this kid we need details! Maybe his address as well!" Billy called out but you just ignored it and carried on running.

You could hear Vern shouting as well trying to have an input but that resulted into Billy overpowering him and also shouting "Shut up Vern!" whilst continuing to call after me.

"God my brothers are such dorks." you sighed and shook your head smiling.

I'm really happy with this one. I hope you guys were as well. Sorry I don't have a lot of inspiration when it comes to Vern but I'll always give him a go. Also thank you for 600 reads like omg!!❤️

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