Chapter Twenty

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The ferry pulled up to the shore, and a disgruntled Charon rushed all the passengers off.

"Good luck finding yer own way back," he grumbled, pulling on the sails of his craft. "I won't be answering yer call again."

Michael carried a sleeping Athena in his arms, watching as the Ferryman pulled off, his boat disappearing into the mist that rose from the dark river.

Gabriel held Amoura against his chest, cradling her small frame close to his body despite her protruding belly. She looked so small in his arms – so helpless and soft in her sleep. Michael knew that was far from the truth.

A memory flashed across his mind – Amoura in her demonic state, destroying everything in her path. He shuddered at the memory, not wanting to relive those dark days.

"I sense a portal up ahead," Gabriel said, adjusting Amoura in his arms when she began to groan in her sleep.

Athena stirred in Michael's arms and he looked down at her, watching the way her eyes fluttered open to meet his gaze.

"We've arrived." He set her down when he saw the awareness enter her golden gaze.

"The portal to Mount Parnassus is just up ahead," she said, immediately taking the lead and guiding the group to an abandoned stone temple.

"What is this place?" Michael asked, scanning his gaze over the area. The place was dark, devoid of life. There was an eerie sort of emptiness that seemed to surround them. A fog clung to the air like a heavy curtain, making it difficult for even him to see.

His vision tried to adjust, but it was clear the fog was of a supernatural nature if he could not pierce through it with his angelic eyes.

"This is the temple of the Oracle of Delphi," said Athena as she led them up a stone path that led to a crumbling building. "The real temple is in the mortal realm, but this is somewhat of a mirror image that dwells here in Tartarus."

Michael scowled at the sight, far from impressed by its destitute state. "It is not very impressive."

Athena turned to face him, waiting just outside the temple doors with a look of mirth in her eyes. "Most things in Tartarus aren't pleasing to the eye," she said, extending her hand to him. He took it automatically, rubbing his thumb over the inside of her palm. "It's only a reflection of what's on Earth. The temple itself is much nicer – you'll see."

Amoura groaned behind them, the sound born of agony. Michael turned immediately, meeting the worried look in Gabriel's cobalt eyes. "Is she well?"

Gabriel frowned, readjusting his hold on her so he could press the back of his hand to her forehead. "I can sense that she is in pain, but nothing else seems to be wrong. Baby, can you hear me?"

Athena brushed past Michael in that moment, approaching the other couple with a concerned expression. Michael watched as she laid her hand over Amoura's pregnant belly. "Her labor has begun."

Gabriel's eyes widened to nearly twice their size. "Fuck," he exclaimed, rushing to the entrance of the stone building. "We must move quickly, then."

"Right through here," Athena said, leading them through the entryway and down a dark, stone hall.

The walls were dank and smelled of sulfur. The stench was unbearable to Michael's sensitive nose. It nearly made him gag. The men trailed behind Athena as she led them through a dark labyrinth, until they finally reached a black portal.

Different from the heavenly ones Michael was used it, this portal felt bereft, a paratrophic chill emanating from its depths. It cajoled them in, drawing them all toward it.

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