Chapter Five

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What in Tartarus had she just seen? She had never triggered this vision before. She had meant to show him a glimpse of the future she had seen and how their destinies intertwined, but she had not been expecting this.

A child? Athena called her Veil of Wisdom and searched the vision further. There was definitely a child, but Michael had misunderstood what he had been shown.

While Athena could call the visions forth, she didn't always have control over what the vision would choose to reveal. She could push forward in time or pull backward, but she couldn't command the exact vision. She could stay with a subject and even change the focus of her vision to another subject. She could call on visions she had seen in the past, but again, the visions had a mind of their own. At times, they would take things further or leave out certain details. She didn't have a lot of chances to perfect her gift, especially not having been able to surface from the Underworld for so long. Her energy was precious and without prayers or worship, she was growing weaker. She knew there was one way to make her energy limitless, but she just wasn't sure whether she wanted to pursue it.

She wanted to look further into the vision. She continued to search, pushing forward through time until she could see what this child meant for Michael. She skimmed through the images, scanning them briefly until one caught her eye.

Her heart nearly stopped in her chest. How could this be? She had no idea that her journey with Michael would be so imperative to the future. Not just her own personal future or his, but everyone's.

She sent her veil away and huffed. After the way he had just treated her, the last thing she wanted to do was follow him. She wanted to pack up her things and disappear, find a new way to regain her strength. But after what she'd just seen, she knew she couldn't let him go off alone.

Now was her chance to not only be part of something greater but to finally fulfill her destiny and never have to worry about losing her strength and immortality. From what her visions told her, she was destined to be happy. She just had to find the courage to swallow her pride and take the first step. It was what she had always wanted. What her mother would have wanted.

Tears pricked her eyes as the final memory of her mother filled her mind. She had been fifteen years old the last time she saw her – much younger than her current three thousand years. Yet, the memory still stayed with her.

"He's found us, Athena. I need you to go. You're a young woman now, I need you to be brave," Seshat cupped her daughter's cheek and smiled weakly, trying to mask the pain.

Athena looked at her mother and took in her dark brown eyes. She had always been so beautiful. Even today, she still wore her gold headdress – an intricate star design that rested against her forehead, the rest of it resting over her hair like a crown. Her long, sleek black hair cascaded down her back and shimmered in the bright sunlight. The desert was hot and dry – they had traveled for many days on foot.

Athena was strong in her youth, but her mother was mortal now. She had passed her immortality on to her when she was ten years old, knowing that this day would come. The day the six-winged demon would come for her.

"I'm afraid, mother. I don't want to go without you."

Seshat gave Athena a quivering smile and pressed a kiss to her golden hair.

"My child, you must. You're the last to hold the gift of the Omnia. All our brethren are dead. You must protect yourself as I have taught you. You know the way. When it is safe, reveal yourself to the mortals and build your temples. Gain as much strength as you can, for you will need to go into hiding. The demon will not rest until he has destroyed us all. Do not let him find you, my love. Do what you must to survive, and once you've found your fated one, seal the connection as soon as possible. You won't need the mortals anymore. You can live your life in peace."

Athena rushed into her mother's arms, resting her head against her bosom and letting the tears flow freely. She didn't know how to live without her. Though she had been granted her mother's gift of wisdom, she couldn't fathom a life without Seshat there to share it with her.

She closed her eyes as her mother ran her slender fingers through the lengths of her amber her.

"It is time, my love. Go, now!"

Athena turned and bolted through the hot sand, calling on her power to increase her speed. She rested when she found an oasis and drank from the pool of water. She knew she shouldn't look back, but she had to know whether her mother was alright.

She called the veil over her eyes as Seshat had taught her, and regretted the moment that she did. Her mother was no more. Only a lifeless corpse appeared in her vision – her once beautiful brown eyes devoid of spirit.

Her cries of agony pierced the night and the world around her grew ever more silent. She would destroy the demon. He would suffer for taking her precious mother from her.

No longer would Athena dwell in Egypt. She would start anew in the other land, and when the time was right, she would have her revenge.

She pushed the painful memories to the back of her mind. She wouldn't lose sight of her objective. Michael needed her, and whether she wanted to admit it, she needed him too. They were destined to see this thing through...together.

She rose from the bed where she had sat and grabbed her satchel and a few essential items on her way out.

She caught a glimpse of the devastatingly handsome angel not too far out in the black desert.

"Michael!" she called, running out of the cave to close the distance between them.

He turned around when he heard her voice and his golden eyes locked with hers.

She stopped dead in her tracks and fought off the strong urge to leap into his arms and kiss him ferociously.

She was in deep shit.

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