Chapter Fourteen

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    I'm sure my underwear got wet after what I did with Kaito. My father would kick my ass if he found out about the heat we shared.

   I don't think I even care about him at this point. Seeing Kaito all red faced and crying after he came was the cutest thing ever. It made me want to just hug him and kiss him all over. Then he said he loved me... he loves me... it made me cry from happiness...

   Kaito wasn't quite ready for full on sex yet, but he didn't mind cuddling at least. We laid in the bed together in our underwear, he still wore a shirt, and holding each others hands. I kept my head against his chest and listened to his gentle heartbeat. I could hear Kaito quietly humming a song and it made me smile—he was making my dreams come true~!

   "I love your voice..." I said quietly. "It's so soothing..."

   "You're really soft..." He nuzzled my hair.

"You're a sweetheart~"

Kaito started to laugh and blush spread across his face when I dragged over his cheek.

"Seriously, you're the sweetest. I've never known any guy that's as emotional as you are."

"Emotional? Do city people not cry or laugh when they need to?" He asked.

"Not as much as you, that's for sure. Have you lived in the country all your life?"

   "Maybe? I think I was in the city at one point, but my memory's been pretty fuzzy ever since my dad killed himself."


Did I hear him right? No, I'm sure I miss heard him!

"Ahaha... I'm sorry, what?"

"See, after my little brother was born my mom died from the childbirth. It really messed my dad up and he lost his mind. A couple months ago he finally snapped and stabbed my little brother in his eye, then killed himself while my older brother took our little brother to the hospital."

Jesus fucking Christ!

"H-How... do you say that so casually...? That's horrible! And it only happened a few months ago?! I'm so sorry, I shouldn't have asked!" I exclaimed.

"Nah, don't worry. It's fine."

"But all of that... damn, Kaito..."

"Death's normal, isn't it? Plus I kinda figured my dad would do himself in at some point. Either that or he'd get into a fatal car accident or maybe get murdered on the streets at night."

That blank stare he had snapped to a sheepish grin and he chuckled.

"Ah. Sorry, that's kinda morbid isn't it...? I'm sorry, I have a lot of dark dreams that mess me up a little..."

Well I just learned something a little worrisome about Kaito—a potentially traumatic experience happened to him recently and he didn't feel any form or remorse or pain. It made me worry about the other things that went through that weird head of his...

"We only ever talk about me," Kaito rubbed his thumb over my fingers. "You didn't really wanna tell me a lot about yourself before... maybe... you can now...?"

I figured we'd get to this at some point. Now for the sucky part of the evening.

"What do you wanna know?"

"Why are you marrying that girl...? She doesn't seem like a nice person."

"Well... it's an arranged marriage, as you probably guessed. My parents set us up... to fix me..."

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