Funny Thing

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Dinah covered herself in her robe, after waking up from a nap. After breaking up with her girlfriend of five years all she could do was sleep. Until someone decided to bang on the door at three in the afternoon.

"I'm coming. I'm coming. Hold your horses," Dinah said tying a knot in the robe. She unlocked the door, finding someone she hadn't seen in years leaning on her front steps. "Daya..."

Her hair was now in dreadlocks, and flowed past her shoulders down her back. Her glasses leaned on the bridge of her nose, and her trademark nose ring hung from her nostrils. She looked different since the last time Dinah saw her. Zendaya was just a bone thin sixteen year old who was trying to prove a point to her parents by being rebellious. Now the point had become apart of her persona.

"Well you gonna let me in or what? The wind's pickin up," Zendaya said taking the blonde from her trance. Instead of responding she simply stepped to the side. "Cute place."

Dinah wasn't sure if she should take it as an insult or compliment. Zendaya had said it in such a blunt tone it confused her. "W-What are you d-doing here?" Dinah asked.

"Ally told me about your breakup with Mani," Zendaya said looking around at the decor. She stood in front of Dinah's wall of pictures. Her eyes scanned over framed pictures of the Polynesian's family, old pictures of the group together, and what she assumed to be an engagement picture of Dinah and Normani.

Zendaya took the picture off its hook, taking a closer look at it. Dinah didn't say anything. She didn't want to talk about Normani, and even if Zendaya kinda scared her. "What happened with you two? Even if the statement is illogical—I could've sworn you were going to be together forever. I set it all up perfect for you on a silver platter."

"Things don't always work out like fairytales Daya."

"Believe me nobody knows that more than me, but what could've possibly happened that made you two break up?" Zendaya asked looking directly into Dinah's eyes.

"She cheated on me." Zendaya's face reddened. She didn't look embarrassed, but more so angry.

"What the hell is wrong with her?" Zendaya gritted.

"I-I don't know..." Dinah slowly reached for the frame from the brunette's hand. It was quickly snatched from her reach.

"No, you don't need this. All it's gonna do is remind you of what you're not going to get back," Zendaya said. She took the picture from the frame and ripped it into pieces.

"What are you doing Zendaya? Why would you do that?!"

"I'm just doing something I should've done years ago." She walked into the kitchen pulling out a lighter from her back pocket.

"Zendaya stop! No!" She didn't listen. She lit the photo watching it burn before dropping it in the sink, watching it fizzle out. "The hell was that for?!" Dinah shoved Zendaya out if the way.

"You need to stop thinking about her. I know that's all you've been doing is obsessing over her since it happened. And how long has it been?"

"Almost a month," Dinah mumbled.


"Almost a month," Dinah said louder.

"Almost a month, and my guess is you've done nothing but sleep and think since you found out. She doesn't deserve your thoughts." Zendaya put her hands on the younger woman's shoulders. "In order for this to work you have to trust me. Do you trust me?"

"I'm not trusting this crazy look in your eyes."

"C'mon Dinah. Just say yes." Dinah nodded. "Okay, now have you ever smoked blueberry hornet?"


"Why are you so hyper?" Zendaya asked taking a pull from the blunt.

"I don't know it's weird. It's like the blunt gave me some burst of energy," Dinah said cheesing wildly. "Okay my turn."

Dinah jumped over to Zendaya's lap, trying to take the blunt from her hand. "I think you've had enough DJ."

"Aww yoy called me DJ. You haven't called me that since the tenth grade," Dinah said making Zendaya laugh.

"That wasn't too long ago."

"It's been like five years since I graduated but eight since I've seen you. I'd say that's pretty long."

Zendaya snickered and said, "That's what she said." Dinah burst out into a fit of giggles. Zendaya tried to hide a smile but failed miserably. After they calmed down, Dinah laid her head in Zendaya's lap. Zendaya ran her hand through Dinah's Lucious golden locks. "Dinah."


"How come you're still wearing the ring she gave you?" Dinah looked at the diamond ring that seemed a little duller now that she looked at it. Why was she still wearing it? They'd broken up a while ago, and Normani had made it clear that she'd moved on.

"I don't know," Dinah said in a quiet tone. Zendaya held Dinah's hand slowly sliding the ring off her finger. "You gonna burn that too?"

Zendaya laughed. "Nah. But I'll hold onto it for a minute." Looking past the hand she held she looked into Dinah's eyes. Deep into Dinah's eyes. She remembered the twinkle in her eyes. The same twinkle she saw when they first met Normani. But now it was only them. Their faces inched closer and closer. Their breath hitting the tips of their noses. "Is this what you want?"

"I don't know yet." Their lips came together. And unlike Normani's kisses, this felt right. It was as their lips were molded just for each other in hopes that they'd one day meet to have this moment. Dinah cupped Zendaya's cheek, snaking the other arm around the girl's neck. Zendaya straddled Dinah's hips, hovering over the girl's trembling body. They pulled away, out of breath.



Zendaya slipped her pants on, looking over her shoulder at the sleeping beauty. She smiled small continuing to get dressed. As she bent over to tie her boots she felt a pair of arms wrap around her waist. Zendaya froze as she felt Dinah's lips planted on the small of her back.

"Daya get back in bed," Dinah said with a raspy voice.

"I'll be right back, okay?"

"Where are you going?"

"To the store really quick. I'll be really quick." Dinah nodded letting go of Zendaya's body. Just as Zendaya was about to walk away, Dinah pulled her back down for a quick kiss.

"Hurry back." Zendaya nodded and left her bedroom. Dinah watched her leave before laying back down. Funny thing is...she never came back.

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